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(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you!

The Z key is required since there’s a variety of actions the player needs to be able to do. But would adding an option for Z to be a toggle work better? I might barely be able to squeeze that into the game (Due to the Pico-8 limitations).

(4 edits)

you can have Z cycle through three modes:

  • nothing. don’t show the block
  • block selection (up/down) & rotation (left/right)
  • block movement and placement

there is also the classical “X to select block/confirm placement, Z to cancel/pick up block”. you can swap X/Z.

also, put the block selector (the horizontal slot machine thing) outside the playable area. it makes looking at the level a bit clearer.


Cycling through three modes would end up being pretty tedious for most players. Plus most of those suggestions would require too many changes that won’t be able to fit into the game.