A couple of suggestions:
S#1: A great quality of life thing to add would be the ability to reorder your NPC list. About 10 hours in, I restarted my game solely because I'd acquired my main followers in a really haphazard way, and there was no way to change their order in the list to make it easy to keep track of different jobs. I'm a bit of an OCD type, and it drives me crazy not being able to move things around so that they can be tidy.
S#2: I would really like to see more ways to work certain stats and skills (like Intelligence, Academics and Science) up either through practice, or by allowing people to retake the university courses multiple times. Without reading books or doing courses (which are finite, so seem to be better to leave until you've already hit their soft cap before starting), these skills/attributes seem to only advance through teaching, and you already need to have a quite high score in order to start that job. I really enjoy starting with very low stats and working my way up to the maximum in games, but in MoR it seems as if you need to start with a very high score if you ever want to hit your full potential.