Haha first off I love the theming of these lil fellas and the artwork on those tokens 😆. Not only is it mega unique but there's also a lot of cheeky flavour in their theneatics and lore that spill over intp their gameplay.
The header artwork is absolutely phenomenal I love it 😭.
Cool mechanic of determining where the void gets to show up next.
I feel like 5 abilities at the top might be a lil too much, where maybe one or two could be included elsewhere. For example, sheepish war could BE your battle action. Ex: Sheepish war - Reveal a card to battle in a matching clearing, you take the lower dice roll.
Due to their high warrior count and THIRST for cards, I can see these guys buying every single turn from riverfolk. Might make em supah OP in those scenarios but would require a test.
Lure is SO fun, mini false orders!
Their craft is sadly way too limited, I don't Believe they can ever craft anything that costs more than one suit? Maybe include the fake rifts in this check?
I'd be interested to see what their game plan is like in action. Their theme is super cool and their mechanics are very clear and easy to understand. Great work!!