I think the game should punish leaving matches at will, especially after at least 1 flag is captured and you're in the game from the beginning. Maybe give you maximum free leaves per day(2-3), and beyond that take your gold. Or make matches cost considerable gold from that point for the day. So many matches where a team full of "Pros" (judging by the nicknames) 90% leaves after the opposing team captures the first flag. Just bunch of losers who can't take they're losing. I'm often the last man standing against a full team in the end. Nothing wrong if you want a different map so you leave early, but leaving mid match -not cool
Haha I don't mind about downvotes. And I don't mind if this is resolved in another, more positive way. However the problem is there. I admit I do like to play 1 or 2 vs 4 on occasion, good challenge. But when it happens in 3rd game in a row, sorry but that makes the game a lousy experience. Which is a shame because when the teams are similar strength and play start to finish, it's a great game. So maybe create separate league for actual players who commit to a match from start to finish, and leave the rest for cry babies? :D I don't enjoy matches where either my team, or even the opposing team loses 80% of players at the first remote posibility of losing. Even if it happens on the opposing team, the match is basically over. I'd just like to avoid playing with people like that, would be nice if there was a way.