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(1 edit)

Fun game. Enjoyed how the rules built up over time adding complexity. The many simple mechanics were very fun. Also the art and little dialogue tidbits were very cute. Main thing I wished for on that front was even more since what was there is wonderful. Even just one more NPC variation would be excellent to add more variety. Barring a few minor technical issues which do add up in the version I played, it was a great time. The interact hitbox is a little clunky and I wish it was a bit larger (you’d need to make sure it only interacts with the object in range that’s closest to its center). Some of the table displays were a little buggy, mainly the 3 person tables. If you have issues with that, the 3 chairs are on the inside with 3 tables on the outside. EDIT: it looks like a patch is already out that will fix the 3 person table display. Also there seems to be a bug where game overring in certain situations would prevent interacting from working while playing from then on needing a restart. Think it might be due to getting a game over while holding something and that state not properly resetting. This necessary restart coupled with no saves definitely hurts. I really wanted to see the end but day 6’s difficulty meant I ran into the reset bug twice and didn’t have it in me to try a third full playthrough at this time. If it gets fixed and maybe the day 6 difficulty toned down slightly (possibly be having group spawns make it take longer for the next group to spawn), I will definitely be back immediately to see the ending. Very cute game and I really hope the main character ends up with a belly of her own.