For anyone trying to slow down the swallows..
I found a way, by pressing ` (top left of keyboard) you can open a menu.. Spawn fen normally, go to entities, click on Fen (or other pred) and then click on the part you want to enjoy longer
afterwards simply check override swallows and use the slider to determine how much you want to get swallowed
I reccomend spawning in a griffon as well and choose feed self to get that exact animation without having to change the settings :3
also use pin to keep the segment open even after closing entities to save space
Love the game, I don't just wanna comment because I want this or that added or changed :3
...buut the control menu in the main menu completely breaks the UI for me with the newest version
just wanna mention, it really doesn't really matter because this is one of the best vore games :3