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A member registered Sep 05, 2022 · View creator page →

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Great! Thanks for letting us know (:

(1 edit)

It was supposed to go up yesterday, but the build is stuck in processing right now!

My uploads have also been stuck in the “processing” state (I presume that’s what the • means!) for a while now.

actually, I’ve just been very very fixated on VR! i will have an update out next week, though (:

Oh, you need to enable it in the content settings! It’s off by default.

I added that in the newest build!

Does right clicking or hitting backspace get you out of the menu?

Eventually! I’m actually testing it with a Steam build right now (which isn’t released yet).

In the meantime, it does work well on the Deck – you just have to install it through Itch in desktop mode and then manually add it to Steam.

What does “breaks the UI” mean? Does the menu disappear, stop responding, etc?

Oh right, I just remembered that I need to fix the throat. Whoops. I’ll do that today.

And I just figured out why your view is messed up! The game doesn’t correctly hide your head if you start out possessing an entity. I’ll correct that too.

(1 edit)

Hit R to change perspective. That’ll get you unstuck at least – assuming that the issue is that you’re seeing the inside of the gryphon’s head

Currently, several kinds of vore have overlapping controls. Try disabling other kinds of vore in the Content settings.

I’m thinking of adding a radial menu to select between multiple actions.

Press R to change viewpoints.

Paying $5 gives you access to the experimental builds. That’s separate from the regular release, which is currently free (and was last updated 35 days ago).

The game won’t launch correctly inside of the Itch client. I’ll look at fixing that the next time I add a character!

The next build will have a windowed/full screen option. That should let you move the game to the right window and then put it back into fullscreen mode.

You’ll have access to future experimental builds as well.

Is your system set to use Chinese or Japanese? I think it’s trying to display localized text, but I don’t have the font set up correctly for those languages.

I will need to add a way to change the language the game uses.

I should really add a warning in the corner if you have any of those debug settings enabled!

That’ll happen once I iron out some more kinks with how configurations are saved – you’ll just wind up picking from a list of presets, or pick one to customize (and then save!).

It’s just a huge pile of rigidbodies! It’s not the most efficient thing in the world…

I just realized I turned off those hints to record a video and…never turned them back on.

I’ll have to fix that!

The legacy version of the game doesn’t change. These changes are in the experimental version.

I like it!

This was disappointing to discover!

You can upload gifs, but these are significantly larger than the equivalent mp4. I was hoping I could embed a few short videos in my page that way.

I see something about a “video embed code” in the Video dialog, so it really sounds like you should be able to upload videos, too.

Yes! But I need to settle on how I’m going to do character presets.

That’s odd – it kind of sounds like you have the “Block Perceptions” debug setting enabled. Make sure that isn’t turned on in the settings!

Looks like the entire scene is failing to render. What’re your system specs?

Probably this Friday.

The post DarkHyena linked shows how to fix this!

The next Preview release will inadvertently solve the problem; I moved the stats file to another folder, so it will no longer confuse the Legacy version.

They’re definitely coming! I just need some time to figure them out.

See here :

Thanks! I’ll get you added to the credits (:

Oh yeah, for sure! Just remind me about it when you do that.

I have not re-implemented that yet – I have a few design problems to solve first. You can still find it in the Legacy version for the time being.

Yes! That’s going to come along with the latex-y Fen – I’m just deciding how I’m going to program that in.

Everything used to be very hard-coded (there was a Monster class and a Prey class). That’s no longer the case, so I have to be a little more thoughtful.

Ah, that’s a little unclear! It’s just possible for that to happen now —- I have a mostly-finished shark that’s both predator and prey. That’ll be in soon.

I’m going to be exploring objectives more thoroughly soon, for sure. There will be randomly-generated levels with simple objectives.

I’m mostly sticking to oral vore. I’ll be adding some kind of “goo vore” (just getting shoved into a goo creature), and I might do anal vore, since it’s relatively simple to do.

Thanks for playing (:

I really need to figure that out! I’ll look into it.

It’s a bit flaky right now – you’re meant to parry when the enemy’s weapon is glowing. It can miss, though, which is problematic!