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Most of what I see is good. Moment to moment gameplay is fairly solid, though VERY unforgiving early on. I'd say at the moment most of my complaints are primarily directed to the UI, which is kinda clunky. just gonna make a list.

  • the placement of the button that lets you pick abilities makes it hard to remember. I'd prefer it if your first ability is already selected, and the game would let you add or remove new abilities when leveling up after defeating enemies.
  • having QTEs to deal and reduce damage is cool, but i feel like it could use a UI to help with timing. I am assuming you know this, since the thunderstorm ability has one, so i'm just going to chalk this up to time constraints.
  • selecting characters on the combat board is a bit clunky. not really sure how to describe it.
  • map UI is something I like a lot. kind of cool to have a 3d representation. though it's kinda weird to have the camera start at the wrong side of the mountain. appreciate clicking on nodes requires a double click. gives me a chance to remember putting on abilities.

as for other stuff:

  • flamethrower basically carried me the moment I got it. damage is crazy for the cost. 
  • event nodes are outright detrimental early game, two or more in a row just kills runs. 
  • combat/event node generation on the map is wildly inconsistent. have had runs where it was just combat nodes.
  • Wouldn't mind enemies using the wait action. they flat out don't at the moment. they honestly do more damage when they're out of tp/mp.
  • feels more like a roguelite than an rpg at the moment, though mostly because it just kicks you to the main menu when your preg character is KOed. On that note i think it would be better if you kept fighting on if your non-preg character is KOed. losing them is basically a run ender anyway early game and by the time you get to act 2 it's very hard to lose in the game's current state.
  • also tutorial probably would be good. or a help menu. some stuff is hard to understand until you've had a few tries.

I'm trying my best to be constructive with my criticism for what I see in the moment. I do really like a lot about this game, I think when it's more baked it's gonna be really good. looking forward to future builds.