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When i heard the opening music i said to myself  "A man of culture". But after playing. lol. I duno.
I'm guilty, i laughed to. But it's hard sometime.  There is a difference between funny and rude.
But i'm not here for that.

For a first project it's not bad. I like to see you practicing cinematic with sprit. On event -> In page 2 -> juste bellow Animation = you can find emoticon. that can help you for feeling of you character.
When you Tp  a character, dont forget to put in the right direction when it reappears. Same during Cinematic.
It's a very little detail but trust me, that work. :3
You already put you hand one battle system for talking and creat scripted combat. That great.
I would like to see how you progress.

Welcom in Rpg maker. Thank for your game and your work. cya. ;3

I didn't really expect legitimate feedback on this, so I'm a little floored by this comment. Nonetheless, I am grateful for the input, and I hope to apply it to my next project.

The humor was partly a result of me rushing to meet the deadline. Crudeness is a rather cheap way of making a joke and I was hardly going to object to making this game as cursed as possible, but I understand if I went a bit far and indeed I was a bit concerned that I had crossed the line between irreverence and offense. I figured if anyone truly objected, I could patch out the offending lines and drum up new gags in their stead, so I banked on the understanding that this is a shitpost and I waited to see what people said. Regardless, I don't think I'll make another game quite this flippant.

I appreciate the technical advice as well. I will see where I can apply it in the future. I did try to experiment with emotes and things, but I'll make more use of them going forward.

Overall, thanks for commenting, and I look forward to seeing what I can do with your advice.


You took the time to post a project. It is out of respect for your determination that I wanted to honor you. Don't worry about your humor. Personally I have no lessons to give you. My first try with RPG maker was worse on this score.  I'm just warning you that other communities won't be as careful as ours.

And for finish i wait your next project. Good work for next.