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I’m just gonna say it cause I can’t get this though out of my head, draculus (or however you spell the purple investor dragons name) has a crush(pun mildly intended) on docter dashley. And you might say that Dracula’s hates docter Dashley but no you would be wrong, docter Dashley hates draculus. Draculas actually seems to like docter dashley a whole lot and is kinda casually flirty with him when he’s not talking about dashley breaking the agreement or paying back the debt. This is because if dashley pays back the debt then he can’t sit on him (I mean he obviously shows he can but like maybe he just doenst want to break the deal first) also he cares about the sitting more then the gems themselves. Like the way he talks about “playing” with docter dashley and how he spins all that running as a positive for him is incredibly telling. Dracula’s basically rigs the entire agreement not to make money but for the sole reason to sit on docter dashley. I rest my case your honor, the double cheeked up dragon of dubious morals is and I quote down bad 

also to put that not caring about the gems thing into perspective, this man is a dragon… a dragon who’s ENTIRE JOB is about gems and gem collection , this dragon has to care about gems to a degree above even normal dragons and yet he STILL cares more about getting with docter dashley and a comfortable seat than the actual debt (or maybe he wants to trap docter dashley in more debt somehow but I feel like that would have diminishing returns after a while)

Dracalys job is working for the Dragon Government, so most of the time he is doing boring paper work.
His lore is that he is a very well known bounty hunter, and now he has a more layed back job.
So when the opportunity comes to hunt down someone he gets really exited.
Dragon have so much wealth they don't care about the gems, but the thrill of the hunt, they do.
Dracalys does not like humans at all so thats also why he thrives to get tot he doctor, as you can see in the game he gets way more angry and determined to capture the doc.