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A member registered Jun 12, 2020

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all i can say is you silly mad man

nevermind finally found it and got the ending

i know that, i think you mentioned where th easter eggs are before, but i havent found any in the spooky level world 3 that you said, i think it has something to do with the clock but i dont know what

you mean alt ozzy , i got something from him too? is there anything else?

i think i already did that? the red dragon from the first few levels showed up and i payed him off if thats what your talking about

i still cant ending 3 even though i got the normal and good ending, anyone has a guide?

yeah i did 

well i met alternate ossy and got the gun upgrade, the beat the final boss on easy mode butr i still didnt get the third ending

oh i already payed off the 200000 to the red dragon but i guess ill have to check out city level one

still cant found those secret chracter interactions, any hints to where i should look?

what secret interaction did you find?

and what level?

did you find the secrets? I found one secret level but no secret character encounters 

also to put that not caring about the gems thing into perspective, this man is a dragon… a dragon who’s ENTIRE JOB is about gems and gem collection , this dragon has to care about gems to a degree above even normal dragons and yet he STILL cares more about getting with docter dashley and a comfortable seat than the actual debt (or maybe he wants to trap docter dashley in more debt somehow but I feel like that would have diminishing returns after a while)

I’m just gonna say it cause I can’t get this though out of my head, draculus (or however you spell the purple investor dragons name) has a crush(pun mildly intended) on docter dashley. And you might say that Dracula’s hates docter Dashley but no you would be wrong, docter Dashley hates draculus. Draculas actually seems to like docter dashley a whole lot and is kinda casually flirty with him when he’s not talking about dashley breaking the agreement or paying back the debt. This is because if dashley pays back the debt then he can’t sit on him (I mean he obviously shows he can but like maybe he just doenst want to break the deal first) also he cares about the sitting more then the gems themselves. Like the way he talks about “playing” with docter dashley and how he spins all that running as a positive for him is incredibly telling. Dracula’s basically rigs the entire agreement not to make money but for the sole reason to sit on docter dashley. I rest my case your honor, the double cheeked up dragon of dubious morals is and I quote down bad 

me too but also secret characters ? Dang this game is filled with secrets including the secret levels 

okay found the last tower in warp four in the waste world but the problem is i cant make the final jump to get to it

how do i make the jump

dang it i missed at least one and dont know where it is


like im pretty sure your supposed to stay and the arm thing and touch his tail or whatever but the third one didnt proc

also how do you get past the final butt slam od the boss

nevermind, but now i cant find the secound secret level

how am i supposed to jump passed tha last chandleir of the first secret level

okay , when I said I figured it out i was doing the things you said, using upgraded shotgun to shoot at armoit level and was even got to where he does the butt smash thing that is where I died and haven’t been back since so maybe if I get this rail gun I finally be able to beat it . Just a few questions 

1.hidden levels? Where! I only think I found a hidden one on the very edge of the lab where you buy upgrades but I can only see barely, could I have some hints or instructions on how to find or get to them. 

2.are railgun parts behind red coins or hidden levels or is it a mix of both 

3. What in your opinion is the best place to grind gems because I use the place right after the purple blue dragons throne room where there’s a gaint gem and an extra life with a respawn pad close bye.

Your game has made me obsessive so those rants were more gamer rages than anything, I hope you continue to update the game to fixes bugs and maybe if god smiles apon this game add more content  

okay i know i just finished that whole rant but im gonna go on another one because your game has kinda got me in a obssessed (compliment) state and if i dont figure how to kill the boss soon im gonna lose it. anyway, his parts should have indivual health bars that are visable because even you dont change his item healths i should be able see them espically if i break the wrong one in the wring spot its instant death. the health bars will also help with the lack of feedback, i have no flipping idea how much damage im doing or if my attacks are even having an effect, and having a health bar tick down will help me feel less like im in purgetory till the kaizo kicks in. like again you did very well on this game and all of the bosses while frustrating have been fun while still being fairly diffcult but in your effort to make this final boss top them all you kinda made minor mistakes that create a worse experiance. okay i should be done ranting for now im gonna take a break from the game and hopefully ill figure out how to defeat the boss later

okay figured it out but the boss feels unfair and I mean this in a pure technical standpoint. see the thing is his attacks and pattern are really easy to dodge which is fine, its only easy when you figure out his mechanics. the problem is his armor it is way way way too chonky of a health sponge and i get it im not used the very best gun in the game (which im pretty sure requires me getting the red coins but ive been plating this game on patch 1.7 and ive seen the hell that could be ON EASY MODE  though im using normal for the boss) but im using the secound best fully upgraded and it takes on avarage 30 shots but because of the recycling upgrade it could actually be way more because im counting the end bullet to figure this out and it varies drastically. thats not only a large shot count but a massive amount of time just dodging and shooting and reloading if you run out by shooting the pea shooter. you also have to count of him just flying around for two minutes so the battle isnt actually terrible diffcult (except for the kaizo ass lazer and saw things but thats more of a me not being that good at dodging than the boss being bad). the game is balls to the walls one hit you die hard but ussally its my fault when I lose because i either messed up the timing or didnt notice a game mechanic like the lamps turning green for the spirit wind and doging under the blue dragon makes him stand still untill your ready which helps with platforming. the last boss is kinda just "hope you can whitlle down his armor while you dodge and god forbid that you make a minute error and hit his kill zones, oh and if you do get to the kaizo portion lets hope you memorized and dont make a single mistake or its another five minutes hopefully to get to this point again". im pretty sure that your not supposed to even get that mega gun unless you play hard mode so if im playing normal the boss should be scaled to the shot guns damage. sorry if it sounds like im complaing too much but ive been on this boss fight for 3 maybe 4 hours now and uasally your bosses, after figuring out theri mechnic, take like 5 trys at most maybe ten for the harder bosses

how do you defeat the last boss?