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Thank you for taking the time to play the game and for leaving feedback.

I'm glad you enjoyed meeting people in the Corridor – creating an array of characters for players to interact with is a major focus for me.

Regarding your points 1 & 2, the long-term plan is to provide players with an ‘Omstrad Organizer’ that will allow them to store their thoughts and inventory, as well as offer additional information and tasks to aid their role. In the short term, you’ve given me a ‘lore-friendly’ idea to incorporate in the next update: using the Arigeta watch to allow players to check their messages, which will include their quests.

As for point 3, I want to balance not overwhelming players with too much information at the start while allowing the characters and items encountered to reveal the story post-Element Zero, alongside trying to capture some of that Cold War paranoia of the period and the general confusion such a disaster would create. As the game expands, there will be more information to discover – but I take your comment on board and will strive to improve this aspect.

Once again, thanks for playing and providing your feedback.