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Really loving the premise/idea of "super serious stone cold soldier must adapt to pregnancy" it's such an amazing concept,,, Given time constraints, I think what was able to be finished was still really impressive! The characters are interesting right off the bat and the art and animations are really fluid (i said it last pjam, but NyPod really does outdo themselves with this stuff,,) Preggo Content was nice for what was included intro story and sprite wise as well!

Regardless, it was still really interesting even in this early of a state and I can't wait to see it updated! There were a few issues I had while playing, but they're so small or easy to look over things they probably aren't very noteworthy:

- The Mechanic Cat in the Hangar(?) area doesn't have some sort of collision or way to prevent you from going behind them, so it causes a pretty jarring perspective issue as you just phase through them and clip the sprites, not major but it hurt my cashew sized brain

-I genuinely have no idea how I did this and I literally cannot replicate it again after multiple attempts but my first playthrough I somehow managed to not get the sprite change while climbing the ladder in the intro sequence, it remained in the walking animation

-You can trigger the second conversation with Dusk before speaking with the commander