Very simple but well polished submission, the game is quite intresting and the mechanic of leaving behind a powerup is quite smart which made every jump had to be an educated decision.
However for some stair like obstacles and the player being a cube it was fairly easy to peak an edge over a corner and grab a the powerup and not fall down the staris. although as lots of the level design's weren't so samey and you added lots of variation which was good to see. The game could of used some art however as the simple cubes are great for design purposes but it really gives this game the feel of a nameless dev flash game from miniclip or newgrounds.
The level editor works and thats great although its not too much of an intrest to me, but it works which is good to see with the limit of one script although it seems like a extra whistle instead of a feature, knowing the limits of one script it is impressive however, which makes the game enjoyable i would wish for the custom level to be saveable and shareable but thats a whole other level of challenge.
End of the day this is a very well made game and the mechanics were simple enough to make the game feel polished,