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Do you think they have an update every month for public we're getting a should be patreon based game but they decided to make a public version so we should be grateful that they even considered us less fortunate to play their game

Do you not know how the patreon development model works? the trade-off for receiving Patron funding is releasing the game for free once it's finished there are examples of very well-known VNs being developed this way, echo, arches, adastra, minotaur hotel, extracurricular activities, Etc. If he wanted to make a paid game it should be able to be paid for on the page otherwise you're basically paying a subscription have access to the game and paying way more money than you otherwise would have if you just bought it like any other Early Access game which is greedy

Like he was updating the game like all of those examples I said but then just said never mind fuck you and pay walled everything