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A member registered Nov 11, 2022

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yeah some people @stainlesssteelpipe

Wahahahahahaha ITS HERE

You can vlick the more information tab bruh 

R u fr trolli'n rn?

they dont update the home page anymore look at the downloads the last up was jan 2024

What do you mean 2 years of inactivity? The last update was on jan 4

Do you think they have an update every month for public we're getting a should be patreon based game but they decided to make a public version so we should be grateful that they even considered us less fortunate to play their game

Omg same i was cringing so much my toes curld to a cramp 🥲

Know the situation of the author first b4 commenting so stfup 😍🖕

Yeah the guide is up to date with patreon so we know what will happen in the future kinda cool tbh

Are you a patron? Marks day 10 and 11 are not out yet in public if you are a patron then maybe a lack of like and love points if not its a rollback error which please report immediately to let andy know there's a bug



There's a guide in the commenta below its up to date to parker's day 11

2-4 months give or take

Hopefully its mark cuz day 9 is really a sign that we're gonna get a nsfw scene soon

Parker day 10 - 11 and a non canon episode of edgar

I think the latest parker update day 10 or 11 he explained some of his love life

That would be hot asf 🥵

They said in a few days but yh maybe its delayed

Happy new year .... Still waiting on the update 🥲

In public its lars with day 10 and 11 up for patreon idk imma have to read the updates andy makes

Did you get the required on day 7 like and love points? If no then the cg wont appear

Andeh please im thirsty for an update i need a lake to fill it up 🥲

They just realesed the august and september back in september so expect that the next update should be around november or december

The next update is either a parker or gil update so lets hope on that 🥲

I just install the update and the app just piles up i cant do the mobe the save file thing so i download the update

Oh you mean Oshi no ko yeah they kinda did a reference at lar's epsidoe 11 lol

Anyone have a guide i need it 🫠

What happened 😢 not much an update since almist 4 months

IKR? i didnt expect to happen so early but its still a shame we cant see the whole scene but damn my imagination more than made up of what happened omg i cant wait for the next day 9or10 of everybody else

The side stories are connected to the main story dimwitt its still important to know every detail we need to piece together the past of the grahams how everythis is as to the main story if you dont want to the research for the routes then dont just read it and i know you only came here to advance on the story to see nsfw but sucks for you will have to wait cuz andy is still building the basis of the story😒

Woo hoo


Oof same here imma save now too😅

What happened here while i was gone like all this hate just bc parker had a past lovlife like can't you just love a character by the way they are and in future builds of afterclassvn im sure parker will be more exciting when andy finishes it don't get me wrong i love parker but so doea everyone else what im saying is that even if the story for the desireable character rn is trash it will improve overtime it's called character development bitch so if you hate the game now the uninstall is free and go look at other vn than this we have our own opinions about the game and we should respect it unlike som1 who i'v been reading here for about 40 mins of them complaining and whinning like a bitch about it like get a life as a matter of fact touch grass or disconnect for a while maybe you'll understand when you finally see it's not just about 1 character of the game 😒

Willfred but he still has no route but for now it's Lars or parker 😍🫰

It's ok though we can wait until Andy can get back up his feet cuz he's doing this for us and we should respect his personal business and not rush him

Heloooooo 🤭🫰

Mama Mia 🤭

Finally have an account SHEEESH wassup ya'll