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A member registered May 07, 2020

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"Just Friends"

Recognizes Wagnermutt's art...

In all seriousness I am enjoying it so far. Great job both of you.

New update is great, but the news that repeat is coming back is even better. Hella stoked for it.

Go into the files for the game and find the one that says "application" under the type.

Double click that, and it'll ask you if you want to extract all. Yes and wait.

Then it'll bring you to another page that is a lot like the one you were just on, but the thing you clicked might be different. Click it again and it'll open and you can play it.

Pretty much everything you download here will work like that.

No offense intended, but getting a gun and trying to shoot it out with the thugs is a very very bad idea. It's the lorelei family that are extorting him. They are very wealthy, highly organized, well known for their brutality, and pretty much own the city. If they wanted Euca or Hershal gone, nobody would be able to stop them. You wouldn't even be able to go the the police to help you, because they probably own the police too. Jenny realized they were in over their heads, and had the right idea about going to Morse for help.

As for the remnant, finding the guy who wished it into existence and having it unwished is also a problem because you are right. It was Euca who wished it. The remnant is really just a corrupted form of Echo. He keeps resisting his core, or his purpose, and the remnant is the end result of him doing so. If Echo won't tell him what the wish was, he can't undo it. 

 Halley couldn't kill it no matter how much she wanted to, but it could definitely kill her quite easily. The way I understand it is that Halley draws her power from Jenny's health. The more things Halley does, the worse Jenny's health will get. According to Cecilia, this trade-off means Halley is immensely powerful for a wish, but she still has a limit. Echo on the other hand is somehow related to the stars. He seems quite weak most of the time, but there's no limit on how strong he can get. Halley acknowledges this when she says fighting Echo during the meteor shower would have been a suicidal move for her.

The remnant is a compounding problem. If not taken care of as soon as possible, it will continue to grow stronger as Echo grows weaker. Halley and Cecilia can drive it away sometimes, but Cecilia's only purpose is to defend Sissel and she might end up fading away eventually. The more Halley tries, the more Jenny will pay the price for it. Once Jenny is gone, the remnant can do whatever it wants and nothing will stop it. 

(3 edits)

The main character (Euca is his default name) isn't really going back in time, it would make more sense to say time is starting over. He can't remember anything from any of his other failed attempts. 

The remnant cannot be killed as far as we know. Euca grabbed it by the throat and slammed down in the street when the fire started and it just kinda sat there watching him. Halley was able to destroy it, but as you can see during the restaurant scene, it just comes back a short time later and picks up where it left off. According to Echo, wishes can only die when the person who made them gives them up. Echo did kind of lie though, because it looks like wishes can also die from resisting their purpose, which Halley said is what is killing him.

As for who created the Remnant, I won't spoil it, but all the pieces are there for you to figure it out. Replay it and pay very close attention to both dialogue and the artwork of the characters. Jenny also dropped a big hint somewhere along the way.

It's actually better for Sissel to stay there in the woods sometimes. Even with his old house as run down and broken as it is, it's what he called his home for several years. It's one of the few places he can de-stress and it's close to the lake where bradley is. He really should get better at swimming though.

As for Sissel's attitude toward money, he doesn't have a problem with having money, he just doesn't want to be a nuisance by relying on everyone else. He also probably doesn't want to exploit anybody, since that's the thing that caused the mess he's in to begin with.  

Edit: I was wrong, it laughed when Euca slammed it down, which is just a little bit more creepy. Halley also said that her destroying it came at a heavy cost, which she later reveals. Everyone agrees that Halley is incredibly strong, but she has to make a bit of an unfair sacrifice every time she does something, therefore she isn't a permanent solution either.  #3 also tells me you are going to like owens route.

Are you on a computer or mobile? On mobile, there should be some way you can assign them to the phones gallery to view them. If your on  computer, go to your files > Repeat > Game > any picture and you can flip through them. 

There's a little bit of cut content in there too. 

Thats a possibility I never considered. Makes a lot of sense as Owen's mother killed that one guy with a knife to the throat and that seems to be it's preferred way too.

There is one problem: why would the wish of Owens mother start picking off members of the Lorelei family. She didn't like them, but she also hated the violence between the two families and by attacking them, it puts a target on Owens back. She wanted to keep him out from between the two families but doing that accomplishes the exact opposite.

(1 edit)


From the looks of it we have some time until the next update, which is good as everybody is probably wondering what just happened.

Isn't Echo supposed to be limited on what he can do, with one of the rules being he cannot directly affect anything. I wonder what everyone else perceived what happened as? 

Also, how is that guy able to dodge bullets? At first my theory is that he was morse's wish (as morse is probably in contact with his wish similar to Euca and Jenny and as he said himself he has eyes everywhere and never fails to find out what he wants to know, and we haven't seen morse's wish appear yet.), but I guess not judging by morse's reaction. Still, he moves like he has the power of a wish, but is able slit throats, meaning he is directly killing people and therefore not a wish right?  I wonder if someone did something (maybe the remnant, as we've not seen him in a while) that causes all the normal rules to no longer apply?  My other theory is that he could be the remnant, but then again he did help Euca with the ring

I've been awake for 2 days now, so maybe I'm just overthinking it. I know the artist is probably tired of hearing it by now, but we all support and will keep funding you. College life is understandably draining, and this is a big undertaking for one person, so you deserve to take a break man. If you don't, you'll get burned out on it and will no longer enjoy making it.

If you mean the one that plays while the building is burning in the background. It's titled "Little Something - Vocals"

If you have groove music player installed, once you download the game all of the soundtracks will be added and you can see the names of them.
Most of them are listed as "Unknown artist" though which is a let down.