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(1 edit)


From the looks of it we have some time until the next update, which is good as everybody is probably wondering what just happened.

Isn't Echo supposed to be limited on what he can do, with one of the rules being he cannot directly affect anything. I wonder what everyone else perceived what happened as? 

Also, how is that guy able to dodge bullets? At first my theory is that he was morse's wish (as morse is probably in contact with his wish similar to Euca and Jenny and as he said himself he has eyes everywhere and never fails to find out what he wants to know, and we haven't seen morse's wish appear yet.), but I guess not judging by morse's reaction. Still, he moves like he has the power of a wish, but is able slit throats, meaning he is directly killing people and therefore not a wish right?  I wonder if someone did something (maybe the remnant, as we've not seen him in a while) that causes all the normal rules to no longer apply?  My other theory is that he could be the remnant, but then again he did help Euca with the ring

I've been awake for 2 days now, so maybe I'm just overthinking it. I know the artist is probably tired of hearing it by now, but we all support and will keep funding you. College life is understandably draining, and this is a big undertaking for one person, so you deserve to take a break man. If you don't, you'll get burned out on it and will no longer enjoy making it.

actually i was thinking it was the wish of owen's mom, because the story makes sure to compare both of their movements to that of a practiced dancer, and as we already know that a wish can live on even if their wisher is dead and it seems dead set on only killing the lorelei, a family that owen's mom despised

Thats a possibility I never considered. Makes a lot of sense as Owen's mother killed that one guy with a knife to the throat and that seems to be it's preferred way too.

There is one problem: why would the wish of Owens mother start picking off members of the Lorelei family. She didn't like them, but she also hated the violence between the two families and by attacking them, it puts a target on Owens back. She wanted to keep him out from between the two families but doing that accomplishes the exact opposite.

thanks man