This is really hard! It's good, though. Dialogue, spritework, audio are all well done. The balancing is where my issue is. The platforming is very difficult very fast, and the cave-in being over a minute long and completely restarting if you mess up a dash-jump input is tough. I'm really impressed how polished this is, though. Reminiscent of Celeste.
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I love it, lol. Cut the eyeballs in half and destroy everything. Played like 5 runs until I got 15,000 and I am now satisfied. I've destroyed so much. My only complaint is that I swear sometimes I'd cut through an eyeball and then remain attached to it after instead of flying through, and die immediately when it fell into the electrified area at the bottom.
This is so fun. I am going to steal ideas from this, like the smooth loop that ends in a shop to create the gameplay loop. So smart. You could post this on steam with slightly more content. My only complaint is that the wolves feel kind of unfair. They damage me by attacking things before I even react! But awesome game. I got to Round 15 or something.
This has the makings of a really cool game with the building and defense system, and trying to optimize resource collection, and the art style is well done. It's missing some information though. For example I couldn't figure out what the point of the house was, and even if I got 6 guns they did not kill a single enemy. Maybe I'm just bad but I couldn't figure out how to get very far!