Yeah, it severely lacks polish sadly. Could be a fun game. :\
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Thank you all for your kind words. I'm very glad you found it interesting. :)
@BigRoyNL && @Kalonica, actually, this is my first game with interactive tutorial and not with some terrible "oh my god, are you really think, I'm going to read this? Are you expecting me to understand what I need to do after I read this" walls of text. I'm very happy that it's working well. :)
Sorry about the difficulty. One moment when I realised it's very hard, I even wanted to add YOU DIED screen. :D
My toolkit is pretty much the same all these years:
- LibGDX, IntelliJ IDEA for programming
- Photoshop, Aseprite, PyxelEdit, MagicaVoxel, Wacom Bamboo for GFX
- BFXR, REAPER w/ tons of VST for SFX
- Tiled for levels (thought I used inkscape for level design once)
- Bitbucket as VCS
- LICEcap for GIFs
- OBS for video recording and streaming
Yeeeeah, community can be such a turn-off in all the MOBAs and FPSes, I was talking about it on Twitter few days ago. Noob-shaming is awful, elitism is awful. What I like in LoL is that, thank to RiotLyte, toxicity is waaaay lower and punishing than in other MOBAs. Tribunal and reports are not useless and even semi-automatic. It gives me hope. :)
I, personally, spent the whole year playing in Coop vs AI mode. It just became too boring, I now literally know how to trick bot into trap and such, it's more interesting to play against humans, because, well, it's unpredictable and hard.
But, yeah, I wish toxicity was lower though... :c