Cute idea. I quickly found I could stay near the dam, swim back and forth and often get enough wood that way to keep going. The beaver was able to go under the side banks, so I had to control him more which added to the challenge bc there wasn't a hard bank to auto bounce him back into the river. The scream lol.
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I like this! Took me a cpl dies to get going. Then I found the base moved! It's my fav part. Game has a cool concept. Good art, visuals, atmosphere and mechs. Had me scrambling to figure out the ways to stay alive, died and started again a lot. The traveling base and picking locations to explore for survival items kept me entertained.
I liked that I couldn't collect all materials on the first go, it made the game not be too easy, gives re-playability. I think for those who weren't going to go back in to collect all items, having it slowed down helped with the immersion. Too many gamers are so focused and intent on "getting in, getting out, getting onto the next" that they don't explore, or appreciate the depths and details games can have. I didn't follow the path right in front of me trying to hurry up and get out. I zig zagged through the map bumping around tree's, seeing if I could get stuck in places (I couldn't find a spot, the game did good) and generally checking it out. The Hunt brings basically a questing feel to the gathering of the items through the need to find them. And don't forget the power of the unknowing when/where your adversary will come after you hangs over your shoulder. Quality of work/thought, atmosphere, driving forces, open/explore, quest/challenge, and voice over to boot! Really enjoyed, thank you!