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A member registered Jun 15, 2020

Recent community posts

Just bought all your modern stuff. I'm working on my first small game to get things going with these assets and someday hope to have my own artist or afford to commission, but wanted to say how my I appreciate such talented people like you exist with insanely good prices. It can be overwhelming making your first game and to have so many good resources like these packs and others artist on here literally are allowing me to get things going.  (ps. Sorry if the grammar is bad. I'm exhausted lol)

If this game is financially successful I do plan to return the favor and donate to you as thank you. 

Hi, not sure if you got a team yet but mostly wanted to say your got some good music. "An opening revealed" sounded awesome! 

Recommend others to listen to some of their work.

I'm getting a late start here. (Right when the jam started had a really bad flair up with my nerve disease condition that finally eased up today.)

So I'm learning Godot 4 and getting a small game together that is going to use pixel art. Problem is I'm still learning Pixel art and wont be good enough in time while also learning more with Godot. I was going to try using some pre made stuff from the asset store just for this project but getting confused. 

We can't use assets we paid for but most of the free assets on there also ask for a "name your price" type thing and not quite sure if that counts for paying for even if you pay nothing in those cases. I really don't like using store assets outside of practice and placeholders but I'm in a bind. I'm also a little awkward still about getting a team member/artist. (hard to be reliable at the moment with my current health and don't want to drag someone down in case I have another flair up.)

PS. At the very least I'm just looking for some modern interior pixel art and a few characters in pixel art. If anyone knows a safe to use basic asset so I can get something done for it visually that would be helpful. 

Thank you all who read this and also if you were able to help at all. Good luck everyone and do your bests!

Hello, looking for assets for my first game (Most likely a placeholder)  and loving the style of yours. Odd question but do you know if these will work okay with Godot?

Hey all, I joined this jam and am brand new to game programming. Have a degree in information technology but not the best at it. Started learning just a month ago and wanted to make games to help people with mental/physical health issues. (I Have ADHD and Fibromyalgia) 

I know this is a competition but considering the theme I really want to start a support group on here for my fellow devs that suffer from mental difficulties, anxiety, physical limitations... etc. (New or veteran doesn't matter) There's threads looking for groups on dev teams but here I'd like to be a place to help motivate and help the other groups. Yes I'd like to win if I pulled that off somehow as a newbie but only because everyone else did their best.

I have a lot of experience helping myself and many others through trauma and stress (Originally wanted to be a therapist and teacher and done some schooling in these fields.) I am not a credited therapist in any way so this is just friendly support, do not take anything I say as professional help. Please seek a professional if needed.

I just know doing this by myself with ADHD and lots of nerve pains it can easily stress me out and loose motivation. Sometimes just being able to vent about a programming frustration or lack of productivity to people that can relate to you can help get you moving. 

I don't think this violates the rules, if it does I'm sorry and please let me know how I can modify this to work. I just think a support group here for mental health would just perfectly align and get people into the right mindset. :)

PS. Sorry I ramble easily.

First post:

So to start, I made this post because I know almost exactly what I want to make. But I'm just staring at the screen with major executive dysfunction and no idea how to start. I'm still working on an art direction and perspective. Like side or top down for example. 

Got a fidget toy and lo fi music going and lots of water with me. Just trying to get the first line of code going to build something to work off of. Feel free to share what you did to get things moving for this jam or if you're running into a brick wall to and what is challenging you. Please don't share specifics about your game unless you have no issues sharing that with everyone. But I recommend not being specific on ideas people might steal that make your game stand out. I don't want you sabotaging yourself by accident.

Love you all and good luck. Let's try to make this world a little better with our games. :)