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A member registered Apr 04, 2022

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I just read at discord that there seem to be different versions for new and old players, so that could be the problem, that your (new) version has no option to recycle cards.

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Hmmmm, your site and even card layout looks different to mine.

At the free space between the "Deck  1 / Combo" tab an the money I have an additional tab called "Recycle".

Your cards look also different to mine (the pictures are the same, but the symbols on the cards are at other positions).

So you should try to write a message to the support I think and asked them for the recycle tab... (sorry I couldn't help you).

... the problem that you can't switch the decks (1) and the message (2) I also get ...

You should find the recycle tab in your "deck" (it's the second tab in the menu).

I finished all adventures but don't have 6 of a kind of citizens, cause I started playing the game, when citizens weren't in the game. They were introduced later and I didn't get them as an reward afterwards. 

I think best think would be to create a buying or exchange system for cards, cause also for other cards there is the need to get the 7th and 8th one to upgrade them. 

For example a 10:1 exchange rate for cards of the same rarity could solve the problem... 

there are a lot of Mystics I collected soul stones through the events but not enough to get the card.

When I open the 4th box of an event I only get soul stones of Mystics I already have. And when I open Mystic Boxes I get only Souls of Mila, Olivia, Zoey, Isabella and Kelly but not from Mystics of former events.

So how will I get the missing Soul Stones of Mystics from former events?

And will be there any chance to complete the stories of former events, I also have a lot of incomplete story lines...?