same, so many bugs, many code errors here and there
Recent community posts
Eeh, i didn't mean it as a bad thing. Most VNs use other people's music as well, won't be a problem unless the original content owners notice and decide to take the copyright issue further.
Anyway, pretty nice game and plot for a new game, I also want to tell that the APK/Android version has an issue regarding the scene animation, starting from the scene of the Game Girl (sorry i forgot her name) when she was Flicking her Bean, the game lags badly then crashes. Is it just my device or not, I'm not very sure. Although I tried opening the APK file using RAR app to search the video content, i found them as ".ogg" format files. Usually when I do this to other games that usually their animation lag while in game, it wouldn't lag if it is opened outside the game using other media player like VLC. But your .ogg files kind of laggy and can't be played even using VLC this way. I tried restarted device, clean cache etc. game still crashes. The only animations that did play well were the HJ that jerk and MC got. So yeah I think i need to report/ask this.
Also found some typos, like "threated" instead of "threatened" and at some point you made Noel said "U" to MC instead of "you". It's small stuffs, but if you're planning to continue this good game of yours till the end, making it as neat as possible would definitely be better.
So yeah, i kinda of shut off from the game because of that crash issue above, so i don't know the content further from after the Online Game match then the girl masturbate at night. Overall nice new game with interesting plot.
it's in my nature to complete all quests available LoL, also i thought there was no other way to increase robyn affection at this version of the game other than that. Also i couldn't redo everything due to the constant autosave and my last manual save was far far quests ago. If the autosave was only triggered during day end, things wouldn't be so difficult.
nah forget it. Couldn't be bothered to load game and redo the mission paths. I managed to win without upgrades etc, only using pots i got during mid way mission. I finished all current content also, and ended up being disappointed.. i played it in android, and turns out that the game doesn't make any game data folder for the save files, meaning all those oiran and building grindings came to pooff if i were to install newer version of the game... I shouldn't have played it seriously, such a letdown
Are u fucking kidding??? Hideaki's 2nd fight is so dumb, he brought 2 goons that each can wipe your entire team's hp by half in a single sweep attack. After killing those 2 Hideaki can fucking attack 2~4 times in a row during his turn, then after his hp is only a pixel left, 2 fucking kunoichi whores pop up throwing smoke bomb making your team completely dumb for 3 turns straight. Even after hitting a 1 pixel hp hideaki several times, he still apparently refuses to drop dead. Were you high when you writing the system of this fight?????
What a letdown, used Jessy on Insane LV in Balanced arena. She's max LV and uses Mithril Axe, only deals 6 DMG to an Archer army, use AP potion to get 50% ATK, it only becomes 8 DMG to an over 100 HP opponent, yet opponent gives much bigger DMG. Now arena is 1 vs many armies system and extremely time consuming and not very rewarding.