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Elle Fieggen

A member registered Feb 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Wow that was really fun to play! The difficulty curve was really well done, my proficiency ramped up pretty perfectly with the game

Really sweet game, I enjoyed the fox's little walking animations especially!

The roll over animation was extremely funny, and I was fully surprised when the backyard opens up into a whole street! I especially liked that the writing and mechanics complimented the animations so much in creating this weird world of inflatable pugs

This is amazing! I loved all the enemy artwork a lot, and all the random elements helped each of the three dungeons feel like distinct experiences

The writing did a really good job of making me feel like I was in a hazy, dreamy state. Well done! :D

A really cute experience!! I loved what you did with the theme and made a game that has all the joy of archaeology without any of the drudgery. Unfortunately loadshedding hit right as I was assembling the little guy :(

Restating all the other feedback here, the colours and visual effects were extremely well done. Personally I liked the gameplay once I figured out how to do it, it was very satisfying to get into a rhythm with the input

Really really amazing!! The cutscenes really struck me, and that first pit was so sneakily placed I fell into it twice. I especially loved how you played with the theme and made it dark and edgy >:)