Fantasy Currency is based on The Legend Of Zelda's rupee colours (5, 20, 50, 200 and the silver puzzle rupees)
[REPLACEME] name=Fantasy Currency author=Goggles @8BitGoggles 0=141414 1=1444d4 2=e2db03 3=a42025 4=7540C1 5=e0e8f5

Warrior Infant is based on the colours of the Baby Metroid from Super Metroid
[REPLACEME] name=Warrior Infant author=Goggles @8BitGoggles 0=141414 1=52d763 2=b0667f 3=eaefce 4=c7d641 5=592359
I'm pretty certain I'm going to end up making more of these, this is incredibly fun.