Thanks, I'll take a look and see if I can find out what's going wrong :)
8-Bit Warframe
Creator of
Recent community posts
You shall not pass!
Added endless defense mission
Mmmm, tasty
Lockers and enemies now drop health and energy pickups
The cameraman has been fired
Reduced camera jitter/wobbly pixels
That is the sound of inevitability...
Added positional audio (sounds get quieter as you move away from them, and louder as you get closer)
Unleash the horde
AI performance improvements allowing for well over 1000 enemies (we'll probably never have that many, but this also means that the game will run better in general, especially on lower-end hardware)
Nerf this!
Supra Crewmen have been significantly nerfed: their damage has been halved, and they now fire in 5-round bursts (with a new charge-up sound effect)
Known Issues
Enemies occasionally can't work out what to do so just stand there
Game crashes when tabbing out of fullscreen mode
Found another issue? Post it in the bug reports forum!
Many thanks to DanielTheDemon for showing off this update over on Twitch!
It's honestly been so long since the last release that I can't remember everything that's been changed but here's the major stuff:
I feel the need, the need for speed
OpenGL is now used for rendering, which should mean the game runs faster on lower end systems
Where'd I put my x-ray goggles?
Enemies can no longer detect you through walls and other solid objects
There's no escape!
Enemies will now attack you after you've respawned (unlike before, where apparently Frost's body was so mangled that they didn't even recognise him as a threat)
Known Issues
AI for ranged enemies is derpy
Found another issue? Post it in the bug reports forum!