Good luck with fixing the bug.
Recent community posts
6. For the opening of the main Itch.IO page for the game, could you please have it so that the web version of the game doesn't immediately start the second the page opens? I don't know if I can fix it on my end, but when the web version of the game is done loading, the website as a whole freezes up from all of the incoming data.
(Android user) Before I post a few suggestion, I'd like to thank you! I've decided to check out the game again and it can actually run on my garbage device now! Thank you for the optimizations! After giving the game a proper try, I'd say that both the story and the personality of the robot lady are extremely appealing! All the small little bits of dialog that the bot could have depending on your actions really suck you into the game! Well done! I'm very happy I've found your product and will donate when I have a stable source of income.
1. Maybe a few more simple setting for the game? As in, an ability to change the quality of the graphics for smoother running? A small bug I've had while playing was that when you give Jun the ability to control the actions and positions during lewd time, when she goes from one position to another (Succ to riding or vise versa), the game will just immediately crash. I think it also happens when you choose to switch too. (After you switch from the classic position)
2. Maybe a few more lines of dialog during lewd time. I feel like there are just long periods of silence from her during the other positions.
3. Small idea - when masturbating the bot, you could have wet spots form around the privates. When she cums from being touched while wearing panties, the clothes could get wet. No need to go deep on this one; I completely understand it would be a pain to add wet points to clothes. This is just a random idea from a degen.
4. I think we need some new music tracks; maybe even a store where we could buy CDs, or whatever the future has, with some royalty free music. Also, could we be able to remove some songs from the rotating playlist while in the game (if there is a way, I've yet to see the setting yet.)
5. During some parts of the game, like the visitation to the clothes shop with Jun, the game can be maddeningly quiet. Could we at least have some small background noises?
Question: Why does the enemy's weapon always hurt? As in, if I walk to close to the enemy or if the enemy turns while I'm near, I get damaged as if I were hit? Isn't that a bit too punishing?
It's the most notable when fighting the elder for with the magic sword. I dodge the ouch laser and go to strike her back; after she's done firing, she turns and her sword instantly does a ton of damage. This is also applicable to when she's firing The laser and her back is against the edge of the zone.
The enemy's turning is so instant and unpredictable that it doesn't make sense to punish us over not dodging the turn.
I'm sorry for making this so long. I love this game, and the fighting is extremely fun! It's just that this issue was a minor personal annoyance. If you want to keep that part in the game, don't let me stop you, all I'm doing is saying a suggestion that would benefit me personally.