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A member registered Nov 20, 2020

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Ok yeah putting battle speed at x2.0 fixed the issue so maybe I was clicking faster than I thought

Maybe? Im not quite sure i dont think i click all that fast but let me try it and see

unfortunately uninstalling and then reinstalling did not work guess im just gonna be using the temporary work around for now

no I'm actually playing it on windows 11 and I did manage to find a temporary fix which is to save after every encounter but it's tedious to do so I'm thinking of trying an uninstall then reinstall approach

so i downloaded the update  and i really dont know whats goin on but it seams like every other encounter breaks the game and im not sure if its just freezing right after loading the encounter or if its a bugged state where the encounter starts but the bugs arent spawned into the match but its game breaking and just to make sure its not a save issue i tryd again on a brand new save file and still the same issue so i dunno whats goin on

so i joined the server but im not sure what im missing because after clicking the check mark i still dont have acces to the different channels and the one mod i saw i tryd to pm to get it figured out but the message didnt even go through so not sure what the point of that was but any help would be nice

Para Ark 2 community · Created a new topic enemy locations

so first off very promising game loved playing it and second is there currently or will there later be a spot like in the first para ark game that tells you where a specific enemy can be found

Already completed the new update and its looking really good but a question since the next update will be paid then does that mean that the entirety of what ive played will be locked or will v0.13 be the demo with everything after being paid?

first off sorry if i came across as rude or angry i was attempting to give constructive criticism but back to my post when talking about the infection cells harvest loop its not respawning every minute after fighting one enemy you can harvest every couple seconds and for enemy level level 16 enemies while being level 6 was actually not an issue my playstyle allowed me to trivialize the difficulty early on but i raised that as a possible issue because in para ark the final boss was so difficult my first playthrough that the 30 plus level gap wasnt something i could overcome with strategy alone and i was guessing the difficulty would be about the same in this new demo so thats why i thought it a good idea to bring up

yeah i noticed that aswell for some odd reason my phone (samsung galaxy s23 plus) thinks that this new demo is an update for para ark

ultimately this post of mine is just to point a couple things out that i feel are a tad game breaking other than these things the demo i guess ill call it is already something im looking forward to quite a bit so the first thing i noticed is that there is quite the difficulty ramp up over the course of the demo it wasnt something i noticed untill i noticed that the enemies i fought where level 16 and my highest character was only level 7 and that ramp up in difficulty might cause problems in the later stages of the game next i noticed that with the characters you can infect to harvest there are 2 exploits first off when you first infect them the game does not actually take away the items needed for the corruption until you leave that menu so with 3 items you can use the same 3 to max out corruption on a character which should take 9 or so second is if you harvest the same character then fight an enemy you can go back to the character you harvested and then harvest them nonstop an infinite amount of times other than these issues or things i noticed games off to an amazing start hope this becomes as big as para ark one of my favorite games so i have high hopes for this one too

I've had that issue in the past with other games and apps and I'm sorry to say the only fix I've come across is to uninstall the old version and install the new version

ok so ive beaten whats available and heres my thoughts

1) when your in the tutorial DO NOT CLICK THE CIRCLE it turns out you can buy an egg ending your run as you now have no money to buy protection

2)read the descriptions of monsters you use it can help or hurt that run

3) do not buy the kaiju upgrade it literally blocks 1/3 the room so you cant see

4) the imp mother upgrade only upgrades to +1 then after for some reason changes to a different monsters upgrade

5)at the very end in the endless mode i encountered a bug where even though the round was started it never started

6) all in all a pretty solid start for a new title though i would like to see more added to the tutorial phase so people dont make the same mistakes i did

i have that aswell however for me it shows for a second that somehow i went from full health to dead right after drop

both crash at right after the text opening for me

ok so i got to play this on steam and realized that it was here too after realizing this looked a lot like another game you made that i enjoyed quite a bit called thirstchasm and i gotta ask htf did nintendo not sue you because of the intro music sounding almost identical to old school pokemon music i gotta say you got lucky but might be a good idea to fix that in this game or keep that in mind for your next one

Pretty sure the dev stopped really using this site you can get the most up to date free and paid versions on their patrion

pc version uses renply which i think is a pc program and if thats the case there wont be  a android version but thats just speculation

Download ed this demo cause I couldn't get it to load in browser but it played after I downloaded it so that's whatever but after II opened the game it looked a bit weird with no color and the art style was different from what I'm used to but I try it anyway and I'm glad I did this is a great game I'd clarify it as a visual novel but that demands to be seen all in all a great demo I loved it I love where it's going I'm glad I saw the creators post on twitter