ultimately this post of mine is just to point a couple things out that i feel are a tad game breaking other than these things the demo i guess ill call it is already something im looking forward to quite a bit so the first thing i noticed is that there is quite the difficulty ramp up over the course of the demo it wasnt something i noticed untill i noticed that the enemies i fought where level 16 and my highest character was only level 7 and that ramp up in difficulty might cause problems in the later stages of the game next i noticed that with the characters you can infect to harvest there are 2 exploits first off when you first infect them the game does not actually take away the items needed for the corruption until you leave that menu so with 3 items you can use the same 3 to max out corruption on a character which should take 9 or so second is if you harvest the same character then fight an enemy you can go back to the character you harvested and then harvest them nonstop an infinite amount of times other than these issues or things i noticed games off to an amazing start hope this becomes as big as para ark one of my favorite games so i have high hopes for this one too