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Frame Forge Studio

A member registered 93 days ago · View creator page →

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Nah, it was good! I didn't do co-op, but I didn't encounter any crashes or bugs in single player

This is looking great man!  Can't wait to download and try it out!

This looks so good man!

" After hours of tweaking, a simple editor restart magically fixed it—probably an engine bug."

The worst kind of bug!!

I like the no-stack inventory!  Definitely adds a sense of resource scarcity.

Thank you so much!

I love grand strategy games!  I checked out the main page, can you say more about the game?

Ran good this morning!  Great job!

I'm so jealous.  I love this man.

Great job on the character animations!  That bunny fur *chefs kiss*!

WOW! Impressively done, and you can tell love was put into this project...

Smart!  I have stopped so many games because I did the graphics first lol.  Now I have to remind myself a graphic change is just updating a sprite...

Keep up the good work man!  When do you plan on sharing some screenshots

Great job!  The effects and game play are SOLID!

I like the idea of giving a tell, which really allows the player to feel like there's a "reward" (in this case, blocking) for playing and paying attention to the enemy.

Looking good, brother!

Great job, Love the reveal of the hidden staircase

So many shinies!  Looking good!

I love the polygon art style!

As a suggestion, and feel free not to take it because I don't know much usually, if it's a unique item and there's only a chance it drops from a boss, you should make it repayable or have the weapon otherwise accessible later.  You might do it already, just throwing it out there.

Looks great either way!

This looks dope as hell dude.

Ohhh....nice!  I am a little more forgiving my limiting it to 3 guns, but only 1 grenade and 1 special ability.  Love the idea of using D&D as the framework, using something tried and true has a lot of merits...and I wish I did something like that because it's a PAIN trying to balance all of this stuff.

I'm trying to do a collision check for the wall that extends beyond the collision box of the enemy, I'll let you know....

What a cool concept!

Brother, I've been struggling with the exact same thing.  Following you in case you come up with an answer.  My smaller sprite/objects get stuck too if they turn near a wall

Dude this looks awesome!  Love the grittiness

I love the art style of the ship in your screenshot! Even the ropes around the poles are a nice touch!

A list half as long would've been impressive. Great job!  FYI, the candles being lit by hitting them is such a nice touch.  Sometimes the small things make the game "feel" alive.

Wow thank you!  You're the 2nd person to have actually seen my game, and the first person barely said anything 😂

I have no idea how other people do it exactly, but here's what I decided to do:
Each gun is created in a category (pistol, smg, rifle, etc) and then there's a wide variety of stats with RNG. But then the next thing is does is chooses a bullet type. And I have like 15 different bullet types, each also doing it's own thing. Then I also have extra effects like fire/acid/cold, and rarity & levels add another level of stuff like a chance of extra bullets or extra damage, etc.

Grenades are similar. I have spread, spray, and single blast grenades.  Each of those types have a slew of things that happen when the fuse timer runs out.

I checked out your game! Looks awesome! I love the wall sprite art.

I love the name of your game! 😂 Keep it up!

When it asks me to "select a body part" what do I do next?  Seemed like I couldn't attack

I checked out your project, those big fight scenes in the trailer are bad ass! I got Warcraft II vibes. 🍻

Love the art style! That charcoal-art feel adds some creepiness

Dude, love the art style and atmosphere! Seriously, those portrait sprites are creepy as hell, you nailed the lighting in them!  Great job on the updates!

Hired an intern after making bullets by hand 😂 A+

Thanks man!  You got some good stuff going on!  For you I filmed some real quick of the current build:

Looks pretty cool man!

Watching the trailer, speaking as a topdown shooter dev to another, I think you should remove "Damage:" and just leave the number.  It gets hard to read the damage when you start hitting things multiple times!

Regardless, keep it up!

I love the art style of your project!

Your video is private, fyi!

Greta update otherwise though, keep it up!

The projectile flashing MIGHT be too much if it's every projectile, especially at the scale the lights are at.  I think you'll have a homerun on your hands with a bit of tweaking.

For what it's worth, in my game the projectile color is red for the enemy, and it only lights up if there's a specific reason.  There's muzzle flashes when they are fired, but no on going lights.

Just my thoughts.  I'd leave the flashing lights on the enemy though, I think that's fun

Forest looks really good! Especially in the zoomed out screenshot.  Great work!