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A member registered Sep 01, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thank you for your input! (I definitely was not lazy with the RNG 💀)

Thanks for your input :D

Thanks :D

oo i like arcade style games and this is really fun. Great Concept 👍

nah that was just for decoration 😅

🤫🤫 dont tell em

Thanks! It wasn't intended but I tried as much as I could to remove it. But I didnt get enough time to look into it in depth. Thanks again!

2 weeks to make a game!

19 days left!

How is your project going on?

Jam has started!!

Starting in 24 HOURS!!

Less than a week left!!

(1 edit)

The Holidays Season Is Not So Far From Us! Why not join yet another Game Jam!

 Build any kind of game with the theme Holidays! Its the Holiday Season, why not make a game of it? It could be of any genre! Action, Casual, Horror, you name it! 😀😀 This GameJam will run for 1 month starting from the first of December to the 31st! Public Voting ends on the 6th of January 2021 👍👍

Whether you are new or not, it doesnt matter! You can ask your questions in our discord server ( 👋👋

You can participate as a team or as an individual. Plus, you are allowed to use any FREE assets from the market place (just provide the necessary credit)

Join Now!!

Less than 12 hours to go!

The Game And Genre will be given very soon! Good luck!

Tired? Got no ideas? Want to make a game but you have no idea what to? Or you are just new.. 

Evolution Game Jam is just for you!

Make a game by mixing the CORE MECHANICS of One game with the GENRE of another! TWO CATEGORIES. The first being "GAME" the second being "Genre" . Your Job is to change the genre of the Game you chose! For example you could choose Mario and turn it to a Horror game! 

Link :

Discord :

TOPIC DECLARED 13 hours in advance (Head start :) )

Starts in 20 HOURS!

5 more days! Join now!

Amazing game! Great job!

(1 edit)

Welcome to RustyJam! 

Been a while since you have made a game? or has it been a while since you have participated in a Game Jam? Or you just want to sharpen your skills.. 


 is for you!

With 3 random topic and a week.... You can build a master piece!

This event is NOT RANKED so you can take a chill pill and just enjoy Dev-ing. Sharpen your skills and enjoy your journey while sharpening them.



Topic will be announced only in our discord (Its a new server)

- General Rules -

  1. Assets can be from anywhere! (Feel free to use them from any Forums / OpenGameArt or from any website).
  2. Game should be playable for all ages (No NSFW).
  3. Do not promote / support any forms of Political content in your game.
  4. Finally respect others games and ENJOY!

Its alrite dude. Even am not that experienced. This is just a platform to improve! Goodluck