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A member registered Dec 09, 2016 · View creator page →

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Yeah the drop off makes sense. I'm trying to remember how Splatoon handles this with their paint fall off, don't have the game on me currently so I watched this video, it seems like the reticle is just for the paints trajectory before it begins to dip? Not fully sure. Also notably Splatoon has an outer reticle which shows the spray of the weapon, you're probably already were aware of those though.

Also I forgot something! This is a very jumpy game but the jump is set to the same height no matter how long you hold down the jump button. You can't do a little jump onto the rail, you have to do a big jump and land on it. Jump hold time converting to jump height for the first half second might allow for better movement. Along with that, the control you have in the air while falling is there from what I can tell but it's not really sensitive enough to allow precision. I'm testing this by using those long rails in the back street. Jumping from left rail to right rail, its easy to jump over the rail since the player can't create the jump height. And when you're falling towards the rail, the fall movement isn't fast enough to get you on.
I understand if you don't want to do the fall movement speed raise though as I think it would technically allow players to fall in a zigzag motion which would look weird. But jumping and falling is a big part of the game so maybe worth it? Up to you this one.


I liked the old vaulting but this feels even more awesome! Really nice design changes.

For the ledge holding, you have to press space to climb up. Pressing forward has you move along the ledge towards the direction you're facing. This felt a bit weird to me. I think it might be worth trying to have pressing forward (after a delay) have the player climb up. Pressing space can then allow for the player to do the old vault if they're jumping forward, or do the usual wall jump for any other direction, as seen with the wall hold.  But! I can understood if you want to move on from this whole ledge movement thing and come back to it later seeing as how you already revamped it so much.

Secondly, the gun reticle is from what I can tell a bit off. Here's a picture using the default gun you start off with.

I drew a red line of where the line of fire actually goes. It goes to the lower left of the reticle. Is this intended? If you shoot the open air, it never actually reaches the reticle. The guns feel greater otherwise, just the guns need to shoot a little higher to the right or the reticle needs to be not the center of the screen.

That's really it, and these points are minimal compared to the last build. Overall really liking it, I can tell you can make it into a very smoother shooter with the groundwork you have now. Good job!

Sounds awesome!

Ah, the block system makes a lot of sense! Sorry I completely misunderstood it. It actually makes perfect sense now. For weeks while watching the devlogs I thought it was a full on lock-on. I really like that now that I understand it lol.

(1 edit)


Really cool so far, it feels amazing and the direction of the whole project is really sick.

3 things but they're all honestly minimal:
I think for the ledge climbing, the auto jump can be a bit uncontrollable. Maybe there's enough time in the animation to check whether the player is trying to jump? So then you can either climb a ledge like normal or do your current ledge jump-up instead (so two animations). I'm unsure if you're kind of doing this already, holding jump while climbing ledges does a bigger jump. Love the ledge jump though, movement gets really fluid. Just sometimes I want precision too.

The vehicle controls tied with the direction of the camera, I feel like you might want a toggle in a menu for that. Some people might like it but it feels a bit unnatural for me. Doing a 180 turn while keeping the camera the same direction has you also 180 with the joystick/wasd. That's pretty wild, lol. But also I could probably get used to it in time. 

The aim lock-on? Don't really get it. I assume it's not fully setup yet cause it only locks on at certain specific points. Also should have a menu toggle, taking aim from player, some might not like it. 
The aim marker and the actual bullet projection are a bit off (maybe?). But that seems tricky to implement with perfect precision, I've never done it. 
Also probably should go in the bug report section but with mouse and keyboard, the mouse isn't fixed to the center of the screen. Unless it's off by default and can be turned on?

Overall though, this is really awesome. Vehicles are great, the level design is already really cool even though its just a test level, and all the weapons are fun. Great variety! Even though I'm pointing stuff out, please know I really like it so far.

Note: I say toggle instead of fully change because it gives players the chance to compare and give better feedback. I could end up reverting everything I said if I can toggle in between and check.