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BM Gaming

A member registered Jul 26, 2021 · View creator page →

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I must have gotten to the game too late cause it just says: The developer has not uploaded a game yet...

Am I doing something wrong?

I like the ideas you put into your game. Good Job

Once i got into it, its a nice puzzle game. I feel like i lost a bunch for no reason but overall good submission

Great Job

I feel like I died unnecessarily to my head sticking to the ceiling, I feel like that was not what you intended. otherwise good submission.

Great Job

Great Job

I had a hard time understanding the controls, but I enjoyed your story.

Good Job 

That is a great idea.

I can understand soft-lock proofing is something i should prioritize more. Thank you for the feedback.

Sadly ran out of time, I think scaling back my scope might help. Thanks for the feedback.

in hindsight maybe just making one larger level could have sufficed.

I will have to look up what that means.

Very cool I love the sound design.

(1 edit)

Very cool, I like the story.

I can see the potential :)

lmao "14 deaths your bad at this" i like the humor