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A member registered Aug 22, 2019

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I’m amazed to be honest, the moment i saw the gun shot colliding with the enemy shots , I was like 0o0o0o0o0o

I liked the pressure on the player .. the physics .. the art is really nice too                                                                                                                         

I’m not sure if you wanted this, but I had to play around to figure out how to get to the upper platforms


well done guys

creative idea , but doesn’t suit my personality xD 

Consider the following please: adding time counter for highest score + increasing number of objects / objects speed with time  

keep it up sis 

I really liked the idea of how you don't kill the enemy directly, but something spawns and kill him. It just adds a different test to the game. glad you prevented spamming the light.  Taking the animation and character design into consideration , + soloing it..  you've done well bro.

few things to consider are : adding random character and 'wining object' spawn + adding respawn cool down + feels like it would be better if the flash light turns off a bit faster 

well done bro