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A member registered Jan 02, 2024 · View creator page →

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do you have any other art pieces posted on the internet? I'd love to look at some more of your stuff.

Absolutely nailed the colour selection, those screenshots look beautiful

Collaborating with others at speed. I'm used to either working in a big software team where people move slowly and carefully. Or doing projects by myself at max speed. Once other programmers are involved it's so easy to get in each other's way and ruin things. We spent the last days of the jam furiously fixing confusing bugs and didn't have the time to playtest & proofread nearly as much as we should have. Plus I have a bad habit of wanting to do literally everything myself, but there's just not enough time in the day lol.

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I'd say about 200 hours, that only averages 14 hours per day, so I may have actually done a bit more than that. Basically spent every waking hour on it for the past 2 weeks. I can't say how much time our other team members spent, but there were some late nights for them too. But I'm used to that sort of schedule at this point cuz I've been solo developing a game on steam for months now. I find that I can work for really long times if I switch up the task I'm doing every so often. Since I did all the art, music and coded the dialogue system for our gamejam submission, I had plenty of hats to switch between. It was kind of exhilarating as I've never produced things at that speed before. But I know I can't keep it up. So jealous of Thor's ability to not need sleep, I have to schedule tasks based on how exhausted I'm going to be, cuz I can do art on low sleep, but I'm a terrible programmer when tired.

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Note for the judges playing the game, when restarting the game there is an issue with the final dialogue scene.

The final "acceptance" scene will not play after you have died once and restarted the game. As this scene is part of the ending and meant to be the crescendo of the game, if you want to experience it again on your second run after restarting you will have to close and re-open the game.

This bug is due to a flag that prevents dialogue scenes from being repeated. The flag does not get reset after restarts. This bug does not affect the first play through of the game, but as the game is short and quite hard you may want to do multiple playthroughs to experience different dialogue options and see more scenes

Don't worry, it takes a little while to update. Mine took time to show up and I had the exact same fear


I learned I can function on way less sleep than I normally do. I mean, function is a loose term and I will not be doing this often. But it's good to know I can when I need to

yup, plenty of time. Mine just appeared, don't worry yours will too.

We are all just that scene in pirates of the Carribean where jack sparrow steps off the sinking ship onto harbour. You got this

Welcome to team absolutely losing it, WOOOOOOO

Ah, yes it just takes time to update, phew. Was panicking a bit there.

Has something gone wrong, or does it take time to update?

Your time in unity wasn't wasted mate. Sure you gotta learn a new API, but you learned how to design & code stuff. It's like drawing in pen all the time and then switching to watercolours. Sure you gotta learn new stuff. But the fundamentals transfer. You'll pick it up, just gotta get over the hump of everything feeling a bit confusing and wrong.