I can not make any new save (nor auto, nor normal save) with new character (Tried to make save as soon as the character is sent "Home", it doesn't work since I give my character a name). Could you troubleshooting the problem to make this game playable again ? Thanks (Oh yeah I forgot, I play on the very last android version)
Recent community posts
I tried to make some eleborate scenario from the post game (when you choose a character to be your interlocutor from the main menu) without real success. Adding/Removing characters get the AI lost in no time (you can even get a notification into the game the character you 'speak' with would like to join you, but it is already there, so half of the screen goes empty) . Loading a save doesn't make the AI learn back what happened before the save, ...
The game is fine if you wan't random short interactions. But nothing more at this point.
There's a bug that creates an infinity loop (if you don't rollback) into the last android version and last fix (957b), when you interact with a club member into the management Window and trying to give him/her a New task.
The "npc" part of his variable name get doubled e.g. npc98 becomes npcnpc98, what game cannot finds cause npcnpc98 doesn't exist.
Yeah, your screenshot shows the only answer you got here.
Then, you shall go Friday Night at the School Pool, choose the Romance Branch, and after that go Home and sleep, forward time until Saturday midday, and go to the Beach, you should meet her there and have the possibility to continue blackmailing her.
Choose 1, then 2 on these choices (there's more dialogs than those 2), and you'll end up with "Corrupt her further." as Meiko task onto your dairy
You can go on a date with her then choose to blackmail her, it will lead on a corruption level mechanics, but as far I tried, things seems to stop where she will got a breakdown of your actions without you could interact with her into the Occult Club (Tried all possible options you've to make her accept you dispose of her. But the level of Corruption thing seems to be reliant only before you invite her into the Occult Club.)
A Walkthrough about Meiko paths would be greatly apprecied to get some understanding about how is it excepted to go from your choices (and if all those choices aren't pointless while her store goes further)
I did some more tests, when you go onto this path directly Meiko doesn't appear in the members list of the Occult Club, but if you first Date her then Corrupt her you can Inviter her to join the club then you'll see her into the member list and will be able to give her a task. So I think make her join the club is the missing part of the closure path
Hello, maybe this is a problem on my side, but when trying to get the Market's Job I get many crashes those lead on a return to Main Menu; every one of them saying "npc1010" doesn't exist (last android version currently available (v0.956a fix2)(tried v0.956 fix4 and got the same problem)(also got it on Windows PC version 0.956a fix5))
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "game/ch/aletta/events.rpy", line 2552, in <module>
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +=: 'float' and 'tuple'
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "start.rpyc", line 743, in script call
File "cl/labels_room.rpyc", line 97, in script call
File "cl/labels_activity.rpyc", line 21, in script call
File "cl/labels_events.rpyc", line 12, in script call
File "ch/aletta/events.rpyc", line 2552, in script
File "renpy/ast.py", line 1138, in execute
File "renpy/python.py", line 1122, in py_exec_bytecode
File "game/ch/aletta/events.rpy", line 2552, in <module>
File "game/cl/class_stat_ren.py", line 263, in __iadd__
File "game/cl/class_stat_ren.py", line 333, in update
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +=: 'float' and 'tuple'
Seems like it's only a problem of Cast, had this error when I asked Arletta if she had an extra snack (Android Version 23.9.0)