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A member registered Mar 25, 2023

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As of now, I'm pretty sure that there is no way of moving data from HTML to android or windows.

Based on how well my laptop can handle the graphics, it at most would be 120fps with a warm phone for recent high end Samsung Galaxy models (hot on low end from experience)

also what's the pizza for and is there a way to get more?

I found a bug where there is no lower body limit for the squats

video of the bug

I have some performance issues on minimum graphics, but since it just makes the game run at a slower speed instead of lagging, I get to experience almost the full game :D Love it!

you just download and run the new version, the saves should be there when you hit load

that is one happy cat for not being happy gaining 6 weight units before

(I started minimum weight, minimum size)

I beat it!

I unlocked her in 180 seconds no issues

still not in the game, just stay up to date with the game's update logs

this update adds so much ive been playing since 11pm now its 3am and i need to keep playing i must get further into the story

how do you play the game and not the laggy fighting simulator?

I keep getting an error and I don't know how to fix it.






action number 1

of Draw Event

for object PlayerHolder:

Trying to draw non-existing sprite.

at gml_Script_draw_sprite_pos_fixed2


gml_Script_draw_sprite_pos_fixed2 (line -1)



or up arrow

It isn't this that I downloaded. I  meant to say that for a different game that is what happened.

Fap Titans community · Created a new topic App?

It's laggy in browser for me, just like any other browser game I try to play. I found that as an app it removes my lag idk why but I'm hoping for a .zip version of this  for windows

what does it mean by non-jam version? Is it just the content that wasn't made yet?

same here had to open it in a new tab

(1 edit)

A game from EA, NFS Heat, actually lacks purchases for an EA game. There are like 4 total purchases, and they are all permanent. Maybe in the future unity will be fixed, and fix people's lives from them being in debt.

I am another who has limited funds for games. For me it's ~$0.

You should switch to Godot asap before losing more money. Godot is free and doesn't charge you.

once the game is remade in unity, I hope.


how can i get it to go down, it's always full.


So far, the game starts with a stream. I only went through under 1 second of 1 total stream. (2 for the message from BigDaddyHurt, actually)


I think i just figured out that all the websites end in .ic, for Incontinent Cell. Does it?

its more closer to 6 if you need to dispose of parts.

Like sell bot parts? Because you can't.

Where are the audio files? I can't find them, even by searching.

i think i should have extracted all the zips instead of only one

Suggestion: before the start, you can choose what progress you have in the game. Mainly for people like me who lost all the save data.

I noticed that in every character image file there is a lack of different images, I'm guessing this is pretty early development based off that.

it says under 18 so hit no


I tried deleting all of the priestbot lie things since they were not in the other save where i didnt lie, but my bot still gets taken. Also this post has died and my new save has replaced the old one with a few more days and more things done.

thank you

It's fine, I blame myself for using a slow laptop and using winrar instead of uncompressing the files. Turns out I have the zip's for r44.1+, and only r42.1 and r43.1 got deleted. Not a big deal :)