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A member registered Jul 07, 2023 · View creator page →

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Yeah I will try to improve it! ; )

Thanks for your feedback!
Yeah, I still have to tweak the parameters for the jump, i did not have time to during the jam (I should have been more organized).

Great idea and awesome execution, but I found the game quite hard (especially at the start). Maybe, like its inspiration, it's meant to be played on a smartphone to be fully enjoyed?

The idea is just crazy, fun and I love it! I like this kind of "Wario Ware" type of games, with a succession of minigames. Great job, bravo to the team! 

Incredible! The theme has been respected so well and the idea is genius. This little escape game is fun, not too hard and well made! Kudos to the team.

(1 edit)

Interesting take on the theme! I liked playing the game. Congrats, fun and well designed game!

Amazing game! It's funny, creative and even if it is short, it has replayability... Bravo!

It starts to be a bit repetitive just before winning the 1500$. Otherwise, the pixel art is gorgeous, bravo!

I really enjoyed the concept (for a full game, maybe introduce with more levels to really get the player to understand the difference in movements of both characters) and the art (kuddos!). I could not get passed the second level with the key, even if I have the solution and after a couple tries (it is either the wall bounce or the precise shift timing that gets me). Nevertheless, congrats for your game!

It took me multiple tries to really understand how the fighting was done, but when I did and got to the final cutscene, that was awesome! ; )

Thank you for playing! : D
Yes I did not have time for that, but I plan to polish it (for my own satisfaction ah ah!).
That's the feel I wanted to have, a fast-paced 2D platformer! ; )

Thanks for playing and for your comment! ; )

Oh no, such a shame, I'm sorry for that : /
I did not succeed to make it playable in a browser, I will try to do that next time, it should be easier!

Thanks for playing, it really brings me joy to have people play my game and give feedback!
And yes, because I hardly had time to design levels, I could not tweak the "player-related variables" as much as I wanted.