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A member registered Dec 02, 2020

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I checked it out. It was level 11, and yeah, it still happens in v0.18 too. There's no "Talk" option and nothing telling me where to go or what to do.

Alright, so it will be obvious enough that if you want to pick a certain LI it should be easy to control without accidentally losing their path too?

(2 edits)

When I tried to replay v0.17 in anticipation for this update, the game for some reason hardlocked me out of Ashley's story at level 14 or somewhere around that. The event was stated as available in the menu but it wouldn't trigger regardless of what I did, and there were no "I should do X"-prompts as there usually is if you need to do something else, which I had never had an issue with before. I don't know if that was just a random bug, and if so, has it been fixed in v0.18? I mean, there's no point in getting the new update if I can't progress to the new content anyway.

Haven't finished the current content yet, but I was wondering, will it be obvious when we have to pick which girl to get with in the end?

(1 edit)

MC taking his pants off in this beautiful, wholesome completely family-friendly game?? How dare you insinuate something like that... Next you'll be telling me there should be pre-marital hand-holding in this game!!

Considering it has the "harem" tag I highly doubt any characters' paths are going to be mutually exclusive.

There are many different ways you could lose a path, but they normally come down to just one specific decision you made. Even if you want a blind gameplay without using the walkthrough, it should be pretty easy to figure out by just rewinding until you find the moment you lost it. And obviously, save-scumming helps too.

I agree, it's probably my only criticism of this game. Some of the MC's actions definitely fall into morally ambiguous at best and outright refusing to take no for an answer at worst. I have to fast-click through those scenes since the game is otherwise amazing.

I'm really sorry to hear that. Cancer is the devil, I've lost a few in my family to it as well. Don't rush anything just because you think you're expected to, take the time you need to recover, for both yourself and everyone else around you!

I replayed the game just yesterday in preparation for this, and I was literally thinking at the end "Huh, it has been a while since we've seen Chop-Chop, hasn't it"! XD

Around a month or so.

You can check the previous changelogs on here to get an idea of how long it usually takes.

Hey, I love your games! Both "Once in a Lifetime" and this one. Excellent humor, intriguing story and loveable characters.

I only have one question: Is the walkthrough for the harem ending? I have a blind save that I continue in each update but in case I want a specific outcome.

(1 edit)

Objectives definitely sound like a good plan. Since there is so much to do in the game, so many main and side characters to focus on and so many outside activities, it can often be difficult to balance them all. I often find myself realizing, "Hey, I haven't actually done anything with X in over 2 weeks" but then I'm already planning to do Y. Having something like this would make it easier to keep track of what would currently be the best choice.

Damn, I played this game in its very first release, found it to be pretty promising and then completely forgot about it.

Well, now after remembering it again... if you managing to make me laugh in just the intro is a sign of anything, I think I have a gem on me right now...!

I see someone's been watching Mxr...!

AAAHH, the struggles of wanting to play every single update blind but also not wanting to damage all the progress I've managed to make by using the walkthrough... Why you gotta torture me like this?? (Seriously, tho, I love it)

Since there are a few references to football in OIALT, I'm definitely hoping for some lighthearted banter between the MC and the other characters in this game about soccer vs. American football...! (Preferably with some nods to Arsenal because we could use something right now...)

See, one of the struggles of being a regular college student with no money whatsoever is the wish to support my favorite creators combined with the knowledge that whenever I DO get a stable income I'll have to make many difficult choices regarding WHO I'm going to start spending money on first, especially considering the list just keeps on growing. However, one thing I can 100 % be sure of is that you are certainly going to be the first on my mind!

After playing OIALT, I was already excited for this game. Yet, with only v0.1 and even more so with v0.2, you managed to take those expectations and not only deliver on them but make them look like a parking lot from the perspective of an airplane!

Absolutely perfect for those of us in the world who celebrate on the 24th! Merry Christmas!

Has anyone made the "Annie, are you okay?" joke yet...?? Because I need to make damn sure that she will be!

Oh, so if I choose the romantic option it should be fine for now?

I don't know if I'm doing anything wrong but after this the scene jst keep repeating...

I may not be completely finished with the current content in the game yet, but I want to say a couple of thing before I get too sleep deprived to form coherent sentences. First of all, I've never actually managed to get a VN game after just its first version had been released, but obviously playing your first game made it an obvious thing to do. Therefore, I didn't really know what to expect from just v.01 and I do have to say that I didn't expect the current amount of content to be as large as it actually was. You must've been working your freaking ass off on this!

Secondly, just like your first game, the thing that sticks out the most is the humor. I may not be neither American nor British, but after analyzing different kinds of comedy, I would go ahead and say that the comedy style in both games are very typically British, and I honestly think that's been an advantage. It gives the humor an unusual "color", so to speak, without ever feeling like the originality is forced. And yes, I will still spell it like color, fight me!

And last but not least... Annie is freaking adorable!

Actually, that was a lie... That wasn't the "last" thing...

I absolutely love the gentle horror aspect you gave to both this game and Once in a Lifetime. As someone who loves horror games, I can say with brutal honesty that the night-sequence (that's the spoiler-free way of describing it) gave me more chills than most horror games do. Good job!

Here's my headcanon:

The romcom that the MC watches with Maria, Ashley and Hana was actually "supposed" to be a commentary about the cultural treatment of elves but the writers/directors were forced to take the political commentary out of the script by the executives in order to avoid public outrage.

After all, it's a pretty known idea that (in general) artists and entertainers as a whole tend to often be much more progressive than their time. Like gay people in media during the 80s and 90s. Sure, the portrayal of gay people back then may be offensive and stereotypical from our modern perspective but just the fact that most writers and authors included them at all and didn't portray their sexuality as inherently bad was still a very positive thing at the time.

I think the same applies to this world... The authors, writers, comedians and artists are the ones who will be the MOST likely to support Elvish liberation!

I absolutely agree. If it wasn't for the fact that the story is heavy at times, I don't think many of us would spend the double-digits amount of hours that this game takes. It's what keeps it engaging. So it wasn't a criticism by any means, just pointing out that after the emotional roller coaster this game has been recently, it was nice to have something a bit more toned down.

And as for how you did with the romantic aspect of the scene, it was great. It's so easy for writers to take "romance" too far and there's always a risk that it becomes cheesy in that case. You managed to avoid that. The romance was clearly there but still subtle.

The last few updates have all been very heavy emotionally, so Lin's new content in v0.13 really pleased me for that reason. I love when games are able to get me so emotionally invested as this one does, but it was nice to get a bit of a bit of a break from the more hard-hitting content and just casually spend some time with my girl.

How do I trigger Vanessa's content after the date at the café?

This is definitely the best erotic game I've played, but I'd argue that both Lucky Paradox and Once in a Lifetime come closer to rivaling it than Being a DIK. I love all of them, though.

Just randomly scrolling through the comments and finding out that the release of the next update is only a few days away... Well, I think I just got the best birthday present possible!

Amazing game, one of the absolute best in this genre!

I do have one TINY little complaint though...

"Only four days before the Champions League final between Barcelona and Manchester City!"

Isn't it supposed to be around Easter at that point in the game...?

I also struggled a lot, I was never able to figure out how to pick the right answer when catfishing as the psychologist. At one point I was even sure I tried every single possible way to do it but still ended up failing, and it wasn't until I checked the walkthrough that I was able to. It's a very tricky path to follow it seems.

It's way too early to say for sure that this is going to be one of those games that reach my top 5 list, but from what I have played so far it's definitely promising. Time will tell how far it manages to go!

At least personally, I have no problems with having to start the game over from scratch. I usually do that with new updates anyway (although, I often decide to make exceptions to that rule when a game has this much content already) and considering the intricacies of the story I think it will be good for me to start from the beginning anyway as it will make it easier to avoid some of the confusion that the first time can easily come with. Remembering all those names and details in the lore can be tricky after all.

I also noticed an instance where it says "arguement" when it should be "argument" as well as a line with two "you"s after one another. Sadly, I can't remember the specific scenes.

I'm guessing this is something that is going to be fixed in future updates, but after the first scene with Cornwall was rewritten in v0.12 the following scenes don't really make a lot of sense. Maybe I didn't pick the right options so it could of course be that I just missed that part of the scene but the most obvious example is that even though there was no "competition" between the MC and Cornwall, Lin still says that she's sorry they couldn't win. Then there's also the fact that Lin explicitly says who Cornwall is during that scene but yet both her and the MC seem to not have known who he is when they are given the letter.

I get that this is what happens when scenes are remade after the fact and like I said I'm sure this will be updated later, I just thought it'd be good to point it out.

It's always a pleasant surprise when I find one of those few NSFW VNs that actually have an intriguing story. They don't come around very often but when they do they tend to be EXTRA special. This is definitely one of them!

This is one of those games that's just been sitting on my computer for a while and now that I've finally started playing through it, it quickly got me hooked. I'm still only on chapter 2, but I can definitely say that it has already reached the level some of my other favorite VNs.

I named her Diana because it's what I name any female character when I get a chance to do so. It's the best name.

But I can't be the only one who completely forgets that it's not actually her official name after a while... And trying to refer to her as anything else is just wrong!

While this game definitely wouldn't be my favorite when it comes to the actual romance or the romancable characters, it makes it into my top 5 NSFW VNS because of the story, lore and especially the humor.

This is not to say that the actual dynamic between the MC and the romancable characters, or the characters themselves, are "bad", they're still better and more well-written than the majority of VNs. I just want to give credit where its due, and that's the comedy and the intriguing plotline.

It took me a few minutes to get through your comment because I was trying to figure out who the hell "Jasmine" was...

Well played, man, well played...