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A member registered Sep 30, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks! The lead synth is 'Angel Valley' from the Analog Lab VST :)

Thank you for the feedback! I had the same thoughts about the length and material in each track too - definitely should've focused on completing just 1 version of the track instead of trying to rush 2 separate mixes lol

Thank you! I agree, both versions definitely needed some extra elements to make them feel more complete overall.

Thank you for the feedback! I definitely agree with you about expanding the ideas and adding more content - I was working on a couple of different projects at the same time so I didn't put as much as I wanted two into both mixes. Drum fills, changes in the bassline, and chords that change throughout each track would make them a lot better.

Thank you! The drum and bass part was the most fun to make too lol

Thank you for the feedback! You're definitely right about the chord progression and bassline - I'm planning on updating 'Autumn' sometime soon and those are the first aspects I wanted to adjust.

Thank you! I started the 'Winter' track somewhat close to the submission deadline so I didn't get a chance to pick a final melody, but I'll definitely edit them in the future.

Nice track, I'm a big fan of the crisp analogue drum kit you chose. The whole song reminds me of something you'd hear on the radio in the 'Jalopy' game that came out a couple of years back - Quality work.