Promising game, hope to see it continued.
To be honest, I was thinking for a bit that it will take a darker path ("impurities" in need of cleansing meaning humanity) but it seems it is not the case. However, I might be wrong again.
Is there any in-depth explanation of the stats mechanics?
What I'm asking is, for example, with strength there is description "Strength increase physical damage related to you level, 20% if both are equal". So, how does the damage calculation works?
From the text it seems, that you need to select 3 or 4 stats and keep them as close max value (=level) as possible, for example strength (or basically any other stat) 4 is useful at level 4-5 but not at level 20. Also, there is no such remark for magic as for strength, but I suppose they work the same?
(This isn't really such a big thing as you can level up how much you can, but it is still interesting. Do you need some stats equal to level for example for any dialog uses, or just fixed values?)
Also, how the traits like Warding work? Is an increase of 0.2 for new levels of is it retro-calculated? If first, you need to take them earlier to have a greater effect.
The game is surprisingly fun and deep at the same time. I'm torn between playing it as it is, and waiting for it to be more complete. Actually, how much of the game (as it is planned) is done now, in terms of story and mechanics?
Also, is there any chance of the game going to Steam? I can't use Patreon but I'll buy it on steam early access.