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A member registered Oct 12, 2022

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Yeah, I don't like that either. The old girls have their own character, and they've been with us for a while. This is something like sending your girlfriend to plastic surgery because you are bored of her face, especially to a cheap plastic surgeon who can make only the same face for every girl.
Beside that we try to recognize the girls by their face in the Colosseum.

That would be a complex "rebalancing", or else the new players couldn't advance and all the fights except against the event monsters whould be very slow.
Rebalancing is a thing what we need the least. They had already tried it some 2 years ago, then had to revert everything. But the numbers was so different that developing your team in those months proved to be a long lasting disadvantage. 

"The rotation of modes has become more dense - 1 day Bosses, 2 days Colosseum, without pauses (5 launches per week some mode)."

Now I can see only a "Colosseum - Coming soon" panel. What is this, have you changed something again? && What is the new schedule?

These girls are beautiful :) 

(1 edit)

No. I've been in the Dirty League once, despite it was tedious. I did it by my little hands. 

Do we talk about the same? Dirty League, the top level of the Tower?

I don't have any.

Dirty League is accessible without bots, though it's tedious and time consuming. I've been there once, and there was nothing special there, so you don't miss anything.

Maybe both of you can, just differently. Where are your upgrade level, around 90%? Maybe they calculate the increase only after your base  stats (100%), not after your previous state (185%).

Include these legendary girls in your deck:

- Lumberjack of Fairy Tale - skills recharge 3 gems faster

- Trapper of Bimbos - start the fight with 3 gems charged

- Armorer of Past mistresses - skills recharge 3 gems faster

- Mab of Pixies - start the fight with 3 gems charged

This is 12 gems advantage so far, so all of them are fully charged before the first turn. Add another light legendary with the skill of +100% damage or gem upgrade and a strong skill, and you will have a deadly deck. 

Now imagine that team coming against you in the tower.

I really hate the direction of the development of this game. They've even killed out that small creativity what they had developed before (like +100% in return for slower charge). I didn't even logged in since the second day of this previous event.

The fully charged legendary deck is disgusting, and not in the good sense.

(2 edits)

I suppose you are playing it F2P, just like me for a while. We don't really need to play it, except we are addicted. (Of course we are, or we have some other mental problems.)

Really, I don't see the point of crying around here. You can always play their other games, like Booty Heroes or Cunt Wars (for me, BH just a poor but expensive Hero Wars clone with some wonderful pictures, but CW isn't bad at all). Or you can even play Hero Wars. Or anything else. Even something with a definite goal, what won't capture you for your whole life.

As for me, I collected the whole set of this event in a day, then I decided that I didn't really interested in the ButtPass, so I could have gone for 2 weeks away (I already have the set of the next replay event). Instead of that I was here next day, and yesterday I finished the 45th event quest. And today I came back to do the girls' quests in the Tower. I'm sure my brain doesn't work reasonably, and that hardly can be Hooligart's fault.

@Hooligart, if you happen to read this: the only thing I can't understand that how you have been unable to decide to let this game go or do it right for such a long time. Looks like you have your own mental deficit. Now offense, just saying, we love your junk games :)

It's fine now. Thx!

Another one: quest 16/45: Defeat epic event monster once.

I defeated it, but it doesn't count, no reward for it --> we struck there.

Nor can I.

But who cares? Hooligart doesn't, anyway.

The same I was thinking about today. As a veteran, I can't really enjoy the game now. I can't even follow any more if it is a Colosseum or World Bosses day.

Hey Hooligart,

"Healing gems will be removed from the field finally, the set with a passive for healing will be updated in the next patch."

Won't you put them back until you change the abilities?

1. They can help a lot for the beginners with low hp, even makes the game a little bit more interesting on that level. (I know because in the current state the game is so unpleasant as a veteran that I play a lot without logging in.)

2. Having upgraded healing gems on the field can make it possible to match them with another upgraded color, which is useful for everyone.

3. Sometimes, especially in WB, eliminating a few upgraded healing gems could be enough to survive for another round - and in WB the key to win a level is surviving for enough rounds.

4. Until you change the abilities, the Adored Ones have no abilities without healing gems on the field.

First time I've finished the 12 basic Colosseums and 5 of the extras. I played the #5/6 extra only to know how long is it. (Terribly.)

Since then, I stop somewhere between 8 and 12 of the regular ones and fight only those extras which come handy for the event quests. It would be interesting to know if there are still 5 crystals in the 6th extra one, but not interesting enough to spend some two workdays finding it out.

I think yes. If I remember well, I've got Naamah from the event chest during the previous event. Sure I didn't open the mythic box in the Colosseum since the changes :)

That would be nice.

I'm around 100k, already have 2 WB 25/25. (On the other three, I have 23 or 24 - I don't want to collect them until I need the given color in the event.)

My bet is on caching and/or poorly scheduled time checks. It is the same with Colosseum: after its time is up, I'm usually still able to play one or two fights.

Yeah, it's got simply boring. I started the new event yesterday, but abandoned it after some 15 quests and a few colosseums. Looks like I finished with DL. 

Yes, its too long. I've played along the whole Colosseum every week for a very long time, collecting the mythic box and the crystals. Now I started, played some 6 hours yesterday, then abandoned it at the 12th Colosseum. I don't even care how many crystals are in the 6th extra Col.

Another painkiller could be to make easier the selection of the cards. The current filters on the assembling screen (color, sets, only available) are good, though a sort by rarity function could be an improvement. 

I miss the healing gems. Of course 25 hp is nothing for someone with a few dozen thousands, but there are a few tricks to collect plenty of them, which can sum up to a few hundred or even thousand. I used it in the tower and in the WB. In the latter it can be very useful against opponents whose AT is just slightly above an integer fraction of your HP (e.g. you have 98k HP and your opponent hits 33k).

Beside that I liked to use it to express my positive feelings toward my opponents in the turns I killed them :)

The Adored ones were also adorable combined with the Children of the sun and the Tamelesses.

Dear Hooligart, now that you make a lot of changes and just slowed down the Colosseum (I mean we have to fight much more fights to get the decreased result), you might consider to make easier to start a fight.

As a Colosseum player I would like to have a "Retoy" button on the screen where I assemble my deck for the given fight. It should remove all toys from all cards (the same function as the "Remove all toys" button on the Collection/Toys screen), THEN equip the best toys for all selected cards (the same function as the "EQUIP THE BEST" button  on the Toys menu of the cards, just should be called iteratively for every selected cards - the order doesn't matter, so it can be done without user interaction).

I've just played some 5-6 hours without login.

I reached lvl 12, so I collected a lot of Viagra (+40% Hero potion) and gems.

I climbed up to the 8th floor in the Tower. I have 41 cards, including a lvl 6 Navigator (for 500 gems), and 10 toys (common and rare).

I also won a few levels against the Bosses. The light is easy, I defeated it 10 times, so I won 4 boxes to choose one of the 10 girls... so I also have a few abilities for now.

The Colosseum is still hard with these cards, so the 10th floor limit is a good idea. I was also struggling with the water dungeon.

Of course I know what to collect. Still it is a way easier for beginners, and also more interesting.

New players will also miss the healing gems. When you tries to survive with a low hp, it matters.

I've checked the Bosses. Poor Firefly :(

"8. Rewards for the Colosseum decreased in number. (but Colosseum is now more frequent)"

Strongly decreased. It used to be 2-6 items in a chest, now there is 1 for each. Okay, I will use them more carefully. 

"9. The number of points for Colosseum rewards has changed. The first ones became much cheaper, the final ones became more expensive. The total number of points to get all awards has increased, but almost entirely at the expense of the last 2-3 awards."

Colosseum 18 (for the crystals) went up from 20.000 to 45.000, while the points you can earn with one fight decreased to around one third (1200-1500 --> 465-510). Getting the crystals with the old setup was tedious, but mostly fair. Now you have to win at least 90 times to get them, not counting that you can't play so many times against to the strongest opponent, because with the recent event sets a lot of them stay up with a full epic deck charged at the 1st turn.

I have almost every cards, missing only 1 set + 4 mythic. Without loosing any fights, I used to finish all Colosseums with 70-80 fights in about 6 hours (of course it's harder and slower if you lost and reset your bonus, or have less cards). Now to win the 18th alone needs more than that. I don't think it's feasible.

Probably it's about time to find a new hobby.


Or at least wake this one up!

It is the same problem here: I've done 10 tasks and received only 1 ButtPass point.

The new girls' ability is interesting. It does the same as the Deadly Vipers', but it is not the same ability: if you include 2 Vipers in your deck, that's +100%, just like you include only one of them. But if you include 1 Viper + 1 Gladiatrix, then you have +200% for the gems. It could be useful, but harder to use in the Colosseum, you have to listen more carefully assembling your deck. And I'm really curious how it will work against the Undead Elephant.

See? It could :)

This must be a compensation for the early start last time.

Looks like they've deployed something for the new event and it is not a story of success... I don't care if I can't start the new event, but I would like to finish the Colosseum, I need some 8 more wins for the mythic box...

Good for you, I can't even go to the Colosseum. Actually I can't do anything: I've reached 92th pos in the event, the reward page comes up, then it can't step over it, just endlessly wait for some resources. If I reload the page, the reward page comes up, then... the same.

Somehow it was changed how to put your deck together. Until recently when you dragged a card in an empty slot, the card was at your mouse pointer and you had to drop it right to the slot. Now the card is drawn left from the pointer, except in case of the first slot, but you still have to point to the slot to drop the card there.

It is very disturbing and hard to use, please, revert to the old method!

I absolutely agree that one-color decks are getting boring. Double so in the Colosseum, where you scarcely see anything on the top level but blue decks. Okay, for now I can hunt down most of them with any color if I include a card with upgrade perk in my deck, but still I have to use the same trick every round - it's tedious.

Random gems upgraded - that's a great ability. At least something for the multicolor decks!