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Big Update! Sticky

A topic by Hooligart created Dec 21, 2023 Views: 4,705 Replies: 30
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List of changes of the upcoming patch:

  1. Boosters and elemental chests will have a slight decrease in the number of cards.
  2. Boosters can now contain any card, that is, even cards that are not in the collection.
  3. Chest from the store, which cost 150 crystals, is now bought for gold (1500). From it can drop from rare to legendary cards.
  4. Chest from the store, which cost 500 crystals, now works as a booster (always gives a choice of one mythic out of 10, can drop a new mythic).
  5. Chest from the store, which costs 2000 crystals - will drop slightly fewer cards. Resources are unchanged.
  6. Daily/weekly/monthly offers on the number of cards slightly increased, comparable now to boosters.
  7. Colosseum now starts from League 13. (used to start at League 10).
  8. The rotation of modes has become more dense - 1 day Bosses, 2 days Colosseum, without pauses (5 launches per week some mode).
  9. Healing gems will be removed from the field finally, the set with a passive for healing will be updated in the next patch.
  10. Passive skills of monsters in the dungeon changed (now all under the color of monsters)
  11. Selection of opponents in the Tower slightly changed, on low Leagues became easier. In Leagues 1 and 0 became a little more difficult.
  12. Rewards for the Colosseum decreased in number. (but Colosseum is now more frequent)
  13. The number of points for Colosseum rewards has changed. The first ones became much cheaper, the final ones became more expensive. The total number of points to get all awards has increased, but almost entirely at the expense of the last 2-3 awards.
  14. Cooldown on cards in the Colosseum is now 4 hours, instead of 24 hours
  15. Bosses' Health/Damage balance has been corrected. The first levels became much easier, the last levels are unchanged, just from less health/damage levels increase, but come to the same values at the end.
  16. Farming rewards for Bosses have been greatly reduced, but Boss launches are now more frequent.
  17. New toys will give less damage, but more doubles will be given in BattlePasses (from the next BattlePasses). Old toys will be nerfed to damage (the first 5 sets those given for level increase). The rest of the old toys will remain as they were, but with increased bonus.
  18. Rewards for Daily Rating from the next events will change (from there will disappear event coins/keys, but we will add boosters).

Play the Game!

(1 edit)

Nerfing the damage value of the first 5 toy sets to the ground is dumb. Now the mythic ones only give 15 damage bonus. They are garbage.

Also, I hope you don't mean the base bonus of the toys starting next event will be similar to that of the first 5 toy sets, and will require leveling up with doubles, which are gated behind the butt pass, in order to be relevant. 

These changes will be a big slap in the face for f2p players.

Wow, what an incredible fuck-up this is!
Just looking at the Colosseum, you go from playing against a 8k in the 4th round
to a 120k in the fifth.  I played with one player against 5. And won.
Then lost badly in the next round with all 5 players.
Why not just bring in "The Pit", free ability to improve toys and all the other shit you've promised
instead of making this game an absolute disaster. I'll give it a week, then I'm off.

Oh, and as for reducing the rewards in the Colosseum - 
another ridiculous mistake. I'm sure you'll realise soon enough
and reassess your errors.

the rewards are not worth the time and effort to win them. 4000 points is like 8-10 battles. for 1 doll???

This is the dev's another attempt to make the game to be unplayable for F2P, but at the same time, it seems like it's making it difficult for paying players also, just like the way they messed up with last year's update.

And your +5% Hero sex potion bonus doesn't get anywhere near +5%.
Do you think we can't count?
What a waste of 7 or 8 Viagra!!

(3 edits)

You always fuck this game with a silly unplayable update! Stop it!🤕💔

Old colosseum was so good!💕 It gave us a real game! But, there was a few bad things in that old colosseum too!

1. Girls took 24 hours to rise again after a battle.

2. We could not choose a new maiden from a pack! The packs didn't give new girls!


But, now you have fucked the game! Unplayable! We were expecting a big surprise in the game in this Christmas!  Now, all good!💥👍 I'm very happy! Big surprise with some shitty things!

"8. Rewards for the Colosseum decreased in number. (but Colosseum is now more frequent)"

Strongly decreased. It used to be 2-6 items in a chest, now there is 1 for each. Okay, I will use them more carefully. 

"9. The number of points for Colosseum rewards has changed. The first ones became much cheaper, the final ones became more expensive. The total number of points to get all awards has increased, but almost entirely at the expense of the last 2-3 awards."

Colosseum 18 (for the crystals) went up from 20.000 to 45.000, while the points you can earn with one fight decreased to around one third (1200-1500 --> 465-510). Getting the crystals with the old setup was tedious, but mostly fair. Now you have to win at least 90 times to get them, not counting that you can't play so many times against to the strongest opponent, because with the recent event sets a lot of them stay up with a full epic deck charged at the 1st turn.

I have almost every cards, missing only 1 set + 4 mythic. Without loosing any fights, I used to finish all Colosseums with 70-80 fights in about 6 hours (of course it's harder and slower if you lost and reset your bonus, or have less cards). Now to win the 18th alone needs more than that. I don't think it's feasible.

Probably it's about time to find a new hobby.

Those idiots cut the points at the Coliseum. Ah-ha-ha-ha.


The dev doesn't know their game is actually boring. The old content has become easy for veteran players because of the time and effort spent on this game. Instead of creating new modes to make the game challenging and interesting for veteran players, they decide it's a good idea to nerf toys and make existing modes much more difficult for the veterans, and impossible for new players. What's the point for veterans to continue to play knowing that when we grind enough to make the game mode easy again, you'll just pull the same shit move to make the SAME game modes impossible again. Please fire the project manager and hire another person that has some basic concept of game making.

I've checked the Bosses. Poor Firefly :(

"Selection of opponents in the Tower slightly changed, on low Leagues became easier. In Leagues 1 and 0 became a little more difficult."

In league 2, the opponents used to have 21k-23k hp. Now they range from 21k-50k+ based on the few games I played. That's a big increase. Maybe it's easy for veteran players who have accumulated a lot of toys and viagra. But it will take new players much longer to reach high league compared to before especially with the nerf of the toys.

Please revert these changes. You are trying to balance the existing game modes around end game players that have lots of toys and girls but at the same time making it impossible for newer players. If the game is too new-player-unfriendly, it will die when the veteran players quit because you can't attract new blood.

New players will also miss the healing gems. When you tries to survive with a low hp, it matters.

I agree. I observed the same pattern in league 3, the opponents used to have 14-20K hp, now I face opponents up to 30K hp. Now I’m in limbo between league 3 and league 4. :( It seems that with the new updates it will take me more time to reach the top league.

I've just played some 5-6 hours without login.

I reached lvl 12, so I collected a lot of Viagra (+40% Hero potion) and gems.

I climbed up to the 8th floor in the Tower. I have 41 cards, including a lvl 6 Navigator (for 500 gems), and 10 toys (common and rare).

I also won a few levels against the Bosses. The light is easy, I defeated it 10 times, so I won 4 boxes to choose one of the 10 girls... so I also have a few abilities for now.

The Colosseum is still hard with these cards, so the 10th floor limit is a good idea. I was also struggling with the water dungeon.

Of course I know what to collect. Still it is a way easier for beginners, and also more interesting.

Colosseum is so boring! Give the old one BACK!

I miss the healing gems. Of course 25 hp is nothing for someone with a few dozen thousands, but there are a few tricks to collect plenty of them, which can sum up to a few hundred or even thousand. I used it in the tower and in the WB. In the latter it can be very useful against opponents whose AT is just slightly above an integer fraction of your HP (e.g. you have 98k HP and your opponent hits 33k).

Beside that I liked to use it to express my positive feelings toward my opponents in the turns I killed them :)

The Adored ones were also adorable combined with the Children of the sun and the Tamelesses.

It seems that the Blue and Fire World Bosses were not nerfed. I was able to advance further in 3 others after the update.

bitches have made it so that the mystical chest in "World Bosses" can not get to the mystical chest with my 79k xp there you need a minimum of 150 and a fully event mystical deck with crystal pumping and fully loaded with dust there the white bot has a damage of 40k without a yellow chip and it increases every time you pass one stage . "Colliseum" is a separate topic, he did not condemn only lazy, time is very much spent on knocking out the loot and dickheads lowered it to a minimum, while reducing the number of points to pass to 510 maximum you think newcomers faced with such a system immediately run to you to donate? Only everything will be exactly the opposite, they will leave en masse.

I'm around 100k, already have 2 WB 25/25. (On the other three, I have 23 or 24 - I don't want to collect them until I need the given color in the event.)

do new mystic cards fall out of the event chests ?

I think yes. If I remember well, I've got Naamah from the event chest during the previous event. Sure I didn't open the mythic box in the Colosseum since the changes :)

That is about the only good thing to come from the last update.  There seems to be a much better chance to get new cards. I have gotten multiple new cards from reward packs in World boss and events. 

Hey Hooligart,

"Healing gems will be removed from the field finally, the set with a passive for healing will be updated in the next patch."

Won't you put them back until you change the abilities?

1. They can help a lot for the beginners with low hp, even makes the game a little bit more interesting on that level. (I know because in the current state the game is so unpleasant as a veteran that I play a lot without logging in.)

2. Having upgraded healing gems on the field can make it possible to match them with another upgraded color, which is useful for everyone.

3. Sometimes, especially in WB, eliminating a few upgraded healing gems could be enough to survive for another round - and in WB the key to win a level is surviving for enough rounds.

4. Until you change the abilities, the Adored Ones have no abilities without healing gems on the field.

111 days ago!!
And still no change to the Adored Ones ability, even though it was promised "IN THE NEXT PATCH"
No "Pit" coming soon™ (two years...) - no Pussy Market
No levelling up items (without paying)
Reduced chest gold from 250 to 100 without an explanation.
35 wins in the Colosseum to get one poxy Legendary Voodoo Doll (level 10),
and is it 10,000 points to win level 12 (Main Colosseum) - another 35 wins minimum (inc. level 11 = 15 wins)?
I don't know - I'll never get there!
It's becoming harder and harder to enjoy this game.
Make some decent changes, @Hooligart!!

Let's see how long the new event takes  with a new set of cards. The previous events since the Big Update have been with sets I already had, So I was able to speed pass the get "x " to level 5. Don't have that or many dolls to revive monsters. If it takes too long it could be time to step away from this game. Plus they started the event a half day late.

"The rotation of modes has become more dense - 1 day Bosses, 2 days Colosseum, without pauses (5 launches per week some mode)."

Now I can see only a "Colosseum - Coming soon" panel. What is this, have you changed something again? && What is the new schedule?

(1 edit)

Colosseum and world bosses will be reverted to the previous rotation but the changes to rewards will not be reverted. That's my guess lol

Yeah, it's sad that Hooligart have lied again:
"The rotation of modes has become more dense - 1 day Bosses, 2 days Colosseum, without pauses"
Perhaps they're finally getting ready to launch the Pit,
or adding a way to power-up the toys without having to pay.
Or any one of the bullshit promises that they've been lying about for years.
Most probably, none of the ideas above. Don't hold your breath!!

(2 edits)

First I wanted to say that I like the game and that the direction of the updates in the winter made sense in my opinion. As Freetoplay players, we can probably count ourselves lucky that the Colosseum still yields so much stuff. I always manage the events quite well and the items tend to pile up for me - here too, the operators could create much more unpleasant scenarios to get customers to pay. So it amounts to two or three places for boxes and then you can get started. It's not really noticeable that the toys are worth less than they used to be. The little bit of damage you do less now doesn't matter. Of course I can understand if older players didn't like the devaluation, but it doesn't matter that much - my opinion.  so questions:  1. I've been playing for a while, but haven't duplicated a toy yet - but you need a lot of duplicates to increase them, right?  Is increasing perhaps a relic from ancient times - like hearts? (although you can still conjure up some with the Egyptoloist)  2. Is there a league higher than League 1 and if so, when will it come? I'm level 41.  3. Are there any other great rewards at the end of the World Bosses? So far I haven't had the incentive to flatten them. I tend to save them because sometimes event quests require certain things that you can then cover with a boss reward like this if it's appropriate.   4. If you have suggestions for improvements/bugs - who is the best person to contact?

Grüße Traumfresser