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A member registered Aug 16, 2021 · View creator page →

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(3 edits)

thank you for playing and i'm glad you enjoyed the game even with the weird control scheme.

thank you for playing

thank you for your feedback. I didn't realise it was hard. when i tested the game, i use the future mechanic to kill the enemies before they can unleash the bullet hell. I will fix the issue after the jam ends.

sorry for the late reply.

It's pretty embarrassing, but i have not finished the game.

i got stuck at the questions part. I think the answer is a number, but i'm probably wrong

i enjoyed it, i like the concept a lot.

i love the ascii graphics

the game is nice, but i think it would have been good to put ( r- reload ) in the about section.

really good game, i like the style, and the gameplay is nice

atmosphere is phenomenal, some locations are perfect for a sick wallpaper.

i like the concept, the game is nice
