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Adrien Dittrick

A member registered Mar 26, 2018 · View creator page →

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yeah the art style is not easy on the eyes, sorry X)

Oh dang, as expected it froze in the castle X)

I did not figure out how to start the game :/

That was a very surreal experience :o
Unfortunately I do not own a controller T.T

my eyes are bleeding but I feel like I've explored somewhere new!

for the life of me I cannot click that play button

terrible, got eaten by a baby 5/5

Wow, that was quite a surreal experience!
Like I knew what I was playing and yet it surprised me many times. 
Great game, thanks for making it :)

great plan :)

glad you did :) 

you should try my other games made in short times!

Dying is very fun especially when it's reaping what you sown. (in this case, the floor)

ver good score!

Heyya! That would probably be more suited to a conversation than a longform post, because I will definitely miss a few things :p 

Do you use discord? If you join mine we can do this by chat!

I am also around this point right now. Earning around a  terra soulstones every 2.5s, which is not nearly enough to reach the 1000 quintillions that infinity is capped at X)

i'm loving it so far. Reaching billions in population.

3 comments · Posted in 3 comments

woah, my comments appear in white!

this seems mighty suspicious X)


have you tried this one?


you should, it's a long series :)

thanks :D Have you played the other entries in the Wizard Ran series yet? :)

dog fan of u too :o

FInally got the true ending! This was a wonderful song, which I enjoyed a lot. This is everything I'm looking for in an indie game, it was worth all the work you both put into it :)
Also galeforce broke my fingers.
Never underestimate the value of good sleep!

I defeted the unicrux after some teleport spams :o

Yeah depending on enemy composition the AI can get quite dumb X)
Tournament mode fixes that with statistically progressively better AIs!

omg u did it :o

I only manage to kill myself and never anyone else T.T

I am not sure what I just played but it was quite something X) found a british and annoying character.

heyya , I was playing "the girl who climbed the tower" earlier but can't find it anymore X) cool game!

(1 edit)

oh, you didn't get to the end of the negative section X) was it impossible to move around?The game is slightly longer than what you showed in the video. Either way, thanks a lot for playing and making this video :)

You can see highlighted in white which move the enemy is about to use. If that move is Ragnarok, just use Fenrir. If that move is STOP (because you previously used Fenrir) then you're good to use whatever :)


another thing (which may be a bug or may be just a cool speedrun tech) while in the shop menu you can still click the planets to get stuff :p

j'avais une épée quand le jeu a commencé et après elle a disparu X)

yay I made it :D 96.81s. Took me a while to understand what those green squares do.

oops I gave the queen some beer

I'm not sure if I found too many anomalies or not enough X)

I think I purchased everything in le shop X)

that was very fun haha, I think I killed way too many people and the game didn't punish me for it :p
