Hi Jimbob! Glad to see you again. Thanks for reporting. I though that there was no bugs anymore… Well, I’ll try to fix this in this week thanks for reporting as always!!
Also I hope that you liked your custom menu!
Good morning again great Itch.io community, first of all, as always, I would like to thank you for the support you continue to show in the project and wish you happy holidays!
After a few days of intense work, the update is finally complete. I have tried to polish various aspects of the game, as well as fixing the bugs you have reported.
Special thanks to JimbobGamer, for all his effort and dedication in reporting the bugs.
Although I personally have not found any serious bug in this build, I think this version is much more polished than the other versions previously released, now you will see the changes made:
Changes made:
A rework has been made to the settings:
Differences: Several additional settings to the game. Classification of settings in the sections: Graphics, game, misc, audio. Change in the appearance of the settings menu Functionality of the settings screen reworked from 0 Now the player will be able to choose the menu he wants from the settings menu, the available menus are as follows:
Classic menu, it will change depending on the time of the year. Remake menu, it will change DEPENDING ON THE PHASE you are in, and it will also react to the time of the year. JimbobGamer menu, dedicated to JimbobGamer, does not react to the time of the year. Mariogatunoq’s menu, dedicated to Mariogatunoq, does not react to the time of the year. Vasart’s menu, dedicated to Vasart, unfinished menu. TO UNLOCK ANY OF THE ABOVE MENUS, THE PLAYER MUST ENTER A CUSTOM CODE IN THE CODEPAD FOUND IN THE SETTINGS. IN THE CODEPAD FOUND IN THE SETTINGS.
Now the cheats can no longer be used in the settings menu, they have to be activated with a code. Now to activate cheats you must enter a code, try to guess which one. The aesthetics of the loading icon has been changed. Now the player can choose the appearance of the menu in the settings. A codepad has been added to enter codes in the game. Several codes have been added. Added several easter eggs related to the one who talks with his hands. Fixed several bugs related to the quick start of the game. Fixed several bugs related to stage cycling. Fixed a sound bug in the settings menu. Changed the appearance of the “New Update” message as well as the post link. Various bug fixes and minor things I don’t remember. Now let’s see a comparison of the old settings screen to the new one:
And now, here i leave an image of the new evolution system of the “remake menu” (that’s the name):
And here are the new secret / custom menus:
JimbobGamer’s menu (based on this profile picture):
Mariogatunoq’s menu (he likes ducks):
Vasart’s menu (unfinished):
These menus were added to thank these people for their collaboration and involvement in the development of the game. Thank you very much indeed.
Special thanks to JimbobGamer, for reporting many bugs.
And that would be all. There is nothing more to say. As always, again, thank you all very much for all your support, you are a great help, at least encouragingly, since I don’t charge a penny doing this. Now, as we are on vacations, and as I am going through a busy period in my life, I will probably not work on the project for a long time, but don’t worry, because I will be attentive to your comments!
Thank you very much and I hope you have happy holidays!
Hey Jimbob, the new update it’s out!! The code to unlock your own menu is 1622.This menu is based on your profile picture. I hope you like it!
You can insert this code while going to: “settings room > misc > super secret code…option > insert your code”.
With this code, all the people can have your menu, but, it’s yours. Also, I’m going to lock this post when I receive your response.
This is your menu:
Happy holidays Jimbob!!
Hi everyone, I’m writing this mini-post to tell you the current status of the next update.
The next update (1.6.0) which I’m planning to release THIS MONTH, it’s on going, and currently the build it’s very polished.
I already fixed the bug that was reported by JimbobGamer, and also y fixed a few bugs that I saw while playing my own.
Now, I’m re-working the settings room, making more visual attractive and useful for future implementations.
After this I’m going to make a small rework to the menu, don’t expect a BIG rework on it but a few notable changes. But, if you don’t like these changes, you will be able to revert the menu to the classic menu, in other words, in the settings you’ll be able to select the classic menu, or the new menu.
And, after re-working the menu and the settings room I think that this will be enough.
This is the current state of the new update… I think it will be ready in this weekend. But I don’t make any promises yet.
The only thing that I can promise it’s that, JimbobGamer, Mariogatunoq and Vasart are going to get a custom menu, for each one. And that the new update it’s going to be released one-day earlier to the launcher users.
Thats all. Thanks for reading.
(I’m going to re-upload this in a DEVLOG in a day or two )
Thanks for understanding JimbobGamer!
Also, I’d like to say that, I’m not going to give up on this project to start a new project, I want to fix this game, take a break from it making a new project and after that, return to this project…
I also hope that in the next update there will be no more bugs :/
BUT if you play the game again and you found a new bug, PLEASE tell me, and I’ll fix the bug, it doesn’t matter to me how many times y’all report a bug, it’s my fault. So, yes, again I’m going to reward you for reporting so many times, and if in the future you play the game again and found a new bug, don’t doubt to report a new bug!
Thanks for all your reportes! You’re a big guy!
(Sorry for the late response, I’m very busy lately)
XD, yeah, all the things you said make a lot of sense.. The problem with the original game is that, the code it’s in a very bad shape, so, If you change anything, something doesn’t work anymore, because the original creator, used a lot of redundant timers and other things that make this bugs appear sadly.
However you’re in the correct, I’ll take much more time to cook this new update, so it can be the game as I want it to be, a game without bugs, playable and funny.
I want to go on on new projects, but, I can’t leave this game as this right now. So, the next update will be the last update (if there’re not more bugs pls XD).
Also, thanks for reporting the bugs as always. The reward will be a secret code in a new secret menu, that will change the apparence of your menu just for you!
What a shame, again, thanks for reporting the bug!
I’ll make a reward for you in the next update for reporting a lot of bugs.
And also, I don’t know when I’m going to be able to update the game again. Resolve a bug doesn’t take that much time, but testing and making the execuatables takes a lot of time…
So, I think the next patch It’s going to be released in a week or two. This week I’m going to be very busy.
Thanks for reporting the bug as always. The only thing that I can say to help you is that, you can change/select the phase that you want to play by enabling the cheats in the settings and clicking in the “?” Box on the menu, doing this, you will see a Trollface icon and if you click on it, you will be able to select the phase that you want to play.
This last tip, can cause unknown bugs. But it’s something.
Again, thanks for reporting! I’ll fix this the soon as I can.
Hello everyone again! As always, before I start, I would like to start by thanking all those who have reported bugs, after the release of this last update. Sincerely THANK YOU VERY MUCH, that’s why, in compensation for reporting bugs, I give you this new update that fixes MANY ESSENTIAL BUGS OF THE GAME and I hope you like it.
Some of the things improved in this update, are the COLLISIONS OF THE BOX AND THE SOUL, as well as several other improvements.
Hi people! I just released the soundtrack of the game in Soundcloud, I hope you’ll like the volume 1 OST, there’ll be more songs to come! (If you all give enough support to this album)
I also release 13 videos on YouTube (for each track of the album) so you can listen each song of the game on YouTube too!
So, after all of this, when I’m going to release the bug fix patch of the Halloween version (the past version 1.5.0).
Well, I don’t know when I’m going to have it finished, but, I think that this update is going to be released this weekend (maybe).
This bug fix tries to fix a lot of the bugs from this past version. I have to say that, I accidentally used the 1.4.0 version of the game as base for the 1.5.0 version, instead of using the 1.4.3 version that polished a lot of aspects from the 1.4.0 version of the game. So, a lot of bugs that were fixed in the 1.4.3 came out in the 1.5.0 version… What a shame isn’t it?
Well, yes, but, It doesn’t matter because, I re-used as base the 1.4.3 version using the new features of the 1.5.0 version to make the 1.5.8 version…
Yes, there are a lot of numbers here, so this can be confusing but not too much if you read carefully.
So, summarizing, doing that, I fixed A LOT of bugs, BUT, I want to keep fixing more bugs and also add new features and that’s becaus I don’t know when the 1.5.8 will come out …
I’f you all want a date I’ll say this weekend. But, again, I can’t confirm the date yet. One thing I can confirm is that the launcher users are going to be the first players to have this new version.
So, STAY TUNED and thanks for the support!
Wow, this bug was fixed in the Android version, but it looks like I forgot to fix it for this version!
Thanks for the heads up! If you find yourself unable to progress, activate the cheats. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I will try to fix it for the next update! Thank you very much for reporting the bug JimbobGamer!
Good terrifying morning people of all Itch. On this terrifying day the 1.5.0 update is finally released! Before proceeding with the changes, I would like as always, to thank you for all the support you give to my project, especially those who report bugs. Thank you all very much!
This new update tries to fix several bugs related to the game’s save system. To do so, I have created the… SAVE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. With it, the player will be able to save the game in up to 3 different files. THESE FILES WILL BE DELETED IF THE PLAYER PERFORMS A RESET.
Well, let’s get started:
Changes made in the 1.5.0 update:
The appearance of the menu for Halloween has been added and improved! The menu changes will disappear in December. The month of November the menu will also remain Halloween themed.
Fixed bugs with the save system (supposedly).
The game will save the game AS SOON AS YOU START PLAYING, every 15 seconds or when the player dies. And now the first thing it will do will be to load the save file as soon as the game starts.
Several improvements have been made.
NEW Halloween themed music has been added to the MENU.
Fixed layout bugs in the Settings screen.
Fixed sound bugs with the info square.
Fixed bugs with the info square.
And that’s it, that would be all, I know that the update has been small, but that’s what I have had time to do in 3 days. Thank you very much for your support as always!
Until next time people from all Itch.io! Download this update!
Good morning itch.io people! Today I just found more reports of bugs in my game, and I’m seeing that, this bug besides be very common is very very annoying. So, I’m thinking to release a new update to the game to fix this.
The question is, Is there any thing that you’ll would like to see in the next version of the game?
I’ll be reading your comments.
Good morning JimbobGamer, yeah, I know the existence of this bug, currently I’m very busy, so, I don’t have that much time to fix this bug. But, I think that hopefully in a few days I’ll have free time to fix this bug…
It’s not guaranteed but I will try to fix this bug in this two weeks~.
Sorry for the inconveniences.
ALSO: Thank you very much for reporting the bug! And for playing my game!