I really enjoyed the project, congratulations to everyone involved! I hope this serves as motivation for future projects as promising as this one is.
Recent community posts
The game seems interesting, but there are some bugs in the Windows version, mainly regarding loading saves. Most of the time it only loads a static screen, and when using the building room feature the first time you also can't do much other than click a button to create a room that takes up two spaces on the screen and costs 150G ( detail, the character starts with 100G, so not even building this room is possible)
The project is very interesting, but I have some observations to make for you to consider in future updates:
- There are bugs in most areas that sometimes make them inaccessible or difficult to load, making the player leave a scenario to enter the same scenario;
- The mechanics are not very intuitive, especially when using skills, so the player often doesn't know how to use them;
- There could be some type of marking on the map showing where the objective of the missions is, this would prevent the player from getting lost in areas of the map;
- Finally, I would like to know better what those symbols next to the hud of the character's life are, are they skills? Attributes to customize each player's playstyle? Extra points to be invested?
Furthermore, the project has a lot of potential. Keep up the good work!
ok, the project is interesting, the story is good and the difficulty is balanced. Regarding the bugs (at least the ones I've found so far): when you try to read the notice board in the market, the game crashes and the text keeps repeating itself, not letting the player perform any other action, in addition, the tavern minigame it also contains many bugs such as item buttons that disappear and at certain times the minigame stops completely, not allowing the player to perform any action. Other than that, it's a good game, congratulations!
Ok. First, congratulations for the project, it's a simple game but with good mechanics and a gameboy aesthetic. Now, i've found this bug when you open the door of the boss and enter and exit the room in the same time. The text appears, but the fight don't begin and the character can't enter in the boss' room to defeat him.
I'm glad I could help, your project is really promising. As for the controls, basically in most situations where I had to jump to a platform that was at a higher level, the controls got in the way when I hit the jump, and the aiming system and the imprecision of the attack commands made some battles more difficult than they should be. But other than that, the game is very good, I'm looking forward to future projects. :)
The game is excellent. About recommendations for updates I have only two caveats: the first is regarding the camera, I suggest you change the system to a free camera, as the current system does more harm than help during gameplay. the second caveat is with regard to the controls, I suggest improving the precision of the controls, as the character's imprecise response to the commands can be quite frustrating in certain parts. Otherwise, the game is very good, congratulations!
Estou acompanhando o projeto e ele parece muito promissor. Como sugestões gostaria apenas de indicar que nas próximas atualizações vocês pudessem se atentar mais a questão da câmera, que as vezes não responde os comandos do jogador para se movimentar manualmente, e que vocês possam trabalhar melhor a questão da renderização, o jogo ainda é um pouco travado. Parabéns, é um ótimo projeto :)