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A member registered May 29, 2017 · View creator page →

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This game is sick!

The fuel issue is a bug, it didn't happen to me while testing and im sorry to hear it affected your experience, thanks for the feedback. With your score, 385 is a great high score, i managed to get 800 something once, it also tracks low scores for speed runs

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the fuel gain was necessary to get the higher scores, with a bit of a luck factor. to get a low score the aim is to sort of ignore the fuel pickups. My aim was to make finishing the game easy, but getting the good scores difficult, however im terrible at games and may have missed the mark on the difficulty level, thanks for the feedback!

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theres a retry button in the menu located in the top right, i assume you didn't notice the button which is a fair point. in later revisions i might make a button appear after fuel empties. Thanks for the feedback!

Simple but fun, actually found it challenging! +1

A critique would be that this game has a cool art style, it is missing sound which would tie it all together. Well done!