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A member registered Mar 07, 2019

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you welcome! Oh!  before I forget I was gonna ask if there was any chance we'd  see some items return in future installments  like the ear clips or the one in this game? I'd say what it is but I'm refraining from spoilers lol

Just wanted to say congrats on completing pack 3 and i look forward for playing it when it's available on here :D will definitely be keeping an eye  out for the 3rd game.

(1 edit)

Huge thanks got it figured out! Is just the dark magic ability you get from it or are there others? Also 20th game is a huge milestone congrats! Look forward to the remake! Hoping we can play as the dark version of Lance that you get see briefly in one of the endings. Thanks for the help btw

(2 edits)

Heyo! Had fun with this a long time ago and decided to pick it back up. Had 2 questions for ya. Is there a way to use the midnight dragon statue and how do i go about that if so? Also i had read that you were gonna do a remake and was wondering if you were still doing that or had already made one?

Also can't wait to see more Galiano or Fernando content! Keep up the awesome work

So i think I ran into a bug??? I can't tell Galiano or the bartender farewell when leaving for the pirates quest the option just does not appear for some reason.